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A home and a workplace, George Town, Penang Once a British colonial trading settlement, George Town, Penang was a bustling place for traders, craftsmen and hardworking people. With the world heritage title awarded by UNESCO, George Town is rapidly turning into a tourist town.

A home and a workplace | Traditional bamboo and rattan craftman

Mr. Soon, 67 years old, a traditional craftman in George Town, Penang, worked his entire life as a weaver of bamboo and rattan trades. Comes with skillful hands and trained by parents since young, for more than 50 years, he carried this trade as his life and soul till to date. Seen in the picture, is a seemingly blunt triangular knife that cuts nothing but the bamboo, it was passed down by his late parents and it is more than a century old.

MALAYSIA | Sunday, 23 November 2014 | Views [1003] | View Larger Image

Mr. Soon, 67 years old, a traditional craftman in George Town, Penang, worked his entire life as a weaver of bamboo and rattan trades. Comes with skillful hands and trained by parents since young, for more than 50 years, he carried this trade as his life and soul till to date. Seen in the picture, is a seemingly blunt triangular knife that cuts nothing but the bamboo, it was passed down by his late parents and it is more than a century old.

Tags: bamboo, rattan, george town, penang, weaver, trademen, family tradition, soul, neighbor, knife

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