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Meditations around the world My 8-month Trip to Southeast Asia.


There are [0] photos and [15] stories tagged with "travel".

March 9-19: Back to the Beach

THAILAND | Monday, 19 Mar 2007 | Views [1593]

March 9-19 Another overnight bus took us from Bangkok down to the port city of Surat Thani. From here we caught a ferry to the island of Ko Samui in the Gulf of Thailand.. The next few weeks seemed to go by very quickly in a blur of sad anticipation ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, bottle beach, gulf, ko pangan, ko samui, on the road, surat thani, thailand, travel, vacation

March 2-9: Chiang Mai

THAILAND | Friday, 9 Mar 2007 | Views [1305]

March 2-9 The first full day in Chiang Mai, we hired a tuk tuk driver to take us to all the famous temples. They were interesting to see but not really to talk about. The next day we went to the national museum -a big disappointment, and then on ... Read more >

Tags: chaing mai, sightseeing, thailand, travel

Jan 5-9: Returning to Thailand... A Breath of Fresh Air

THAILAND | Saturday, 6 Jan 2007 | Views [1198]

January 5, 2007 We left that despairing country of Cambodia and returned to the comparatively thriving country of Thailand. Our trip through the border led us past an inbetween country of casinos and street venders.  Arriving in Thailand ... Read more >

Tags: buriram, ladyboy, mahout, nightclub, singha, thai, thailand, travel, tuk tuk

Photos: East Thailand

CAMBODIA | Friday, 5 Jan 2007 | Photo Gallery

Through Thailand from Cambodia to Laos
See all 10 photos >>

Tags: angkor wat, asia, bayon, buddhism, cambodia, siem reap, temple ruins, thailand, travel, vacation

Photos: New Year's Eve on Pub Street, Siem Reap, Cambodia

CAMBODIA | Friday, 5 Jan 2007 | Photo Gallery

Pictures of byebye 2006, hello 2007
See all 20 photos >>

Tags: angkor wat, asia, bayon, buddhism, cambodia, siem reap, temple ruins, thailand, travel, vacation

Photos: Battenbang

CAMBODIA | Thursday, 4 Jan 2007 | Photo Gallery

City of Battenbang, Cambodia
See all 19 photos >>

Tags: angkor wat, asia, bayon, buddhism, cambodia, siem reap, temple ruins, thailand, travel, vacation

Photos: Boat journey to Battembang

CAMBODIA | Wednesday, 3 Jan 2007 | Photo Gallery

Our 8½ hour boat river journey from Siem Reap to the western city of Battembang, 2nd largest city in Cambodia
See all 69 photos >>

Tags: angkor wat, asia, bayon, buddhism, cambodia, siem reap, temple ruins, thailand, travel, vacation

Photos: Temples Banteay Srey and Pre Rup

CAMBODIA | Tuesday, 2 Jan 2007 | Photo Gallery

After seeing Kbal Spean we staggered the 2 hr drive back by stopping at the temple Banteay Srey to see the well preserved carvings and then we caught sunset at Pre Rup
See all 68 photos >>

Tags: asia, banteay srey, cambodia, pre rup, siem reap, sunset, temple ruins, thailand, travel, vacation

Photos: Kbal Spean

CAMBODIA | Tuesday, 2 Jan 2007 | Photo Gallery

Carvings in river rock on river a mile+ hike up a mountain -carvings of fertility lingas to help make water "fertile" for rice crops as river goes down the mtn into the fields.
See all 22 photos >>

Tags: cambodia, carvings, fertility, kbal spean, lingas, river rock, siem reap, temple ruins, travel, vacation

Photos: Road from Siem Reap to and from Kbal Spean

CAMBODIA | Tuesday, 2 Jan 2007 | Photo Gallery

pictures of country side outside of Siem Reap on the way to ancient site
See all 23 photos >>

Tags: angkor wat, asia, bayon, buddhism, cambodia, kbal spean, siem reap, temple ruins, thailand, travel

Photos: Ta Phrom

CAMBODIA | Sunday, 31 Dec 2006 | Photo Gallery

Temple ruins near Siem Reap -Tomb Raider locations
See all 50 photos >>

Tags: angkor wat, asia, bayon, buddhism, cambodia, siem reap, ta phrom, temple ruins, thailand, travel

Photos: Angkor Thom

CAMBODIA | Sunday, 31 Dec 2006 | Photo Gallery

Bayon and other surrounding temples 900ce-12th centuries
See all 131 photos >>

Tags: angkor thom, angkor wat, asia, bayon, buddhism, cambodia, siem reap, temple ruins, thailand, travel

Photos: Angkor Wat

CAMBODIA | Sunday, 31 Dec 2006 | Photo Gallery

Photos of 12th century temple ruins
See all 123 photos >>

Tags: angkor wat, asia, bayon, buddhism, cambodia, siem reap, temple ruins, thailand, travel, vacation

Photos: Phnom Phen, detention center and killing fields

CAMBODIA | Monday, 25 Dec 2006 | Photo Gallery

Pics of city, Detention Center and Killing Fields
See all 119 photos >>

Tags: asia, cambodia, detention center, killing fields, phnom phen, siem reap, temple ruins, thailand, travel, vacation

Photos: Traveling from Thailand to Phnom Phen

CAMBODIA | Friday, 22 Dec 2006 | Photo Gallery

Our trek from after the hospital to Cambodia's capital
See all 45 photos >>

Tags: asia, bayon, cambodia, phnom phen, siem reap, temple ruins, thailand, thailand, travel, vacation

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