Good Morning and no hangover for me. Well the others I can't say they faired as well and myself. Fortunately I have an iron constitution. I did however sleep past the animal market. I would have liked to have taken photos of it but too bad you snooze and you lose. I was snoozing. I didn't bother to get up till 8 and then went for a bit of a wander. The Saturday morning market was huge. It must have stretched 8 blocks in one direction and 4 in the other. Walking room well it was tight. Fortunately everyone bought their stuff the day before so we got the best prices and didn't have to fight the crowds. On the bus ride back to Quito we had our first problem with pick pockets. Fortunately nobody got anything pinched. It turned out to be 2 guys working together trying to go through peoples bags under the seats. They were lucky they didn't mess with me I would have made serious problems for them. But I was in the back of the bus and didn't know anyone else was having problems. One thing I can't stand is people stealing from me or my friends. With the travel all done and checked into the hotel, I was off for another hot date. Karla, Paul, Eli and I joined the group for one last dinner together and to say goodbye to everyone. Then it was off to a house party for Sebastian one of Paul's coworkers. It was a good time but reminded me kind of a bridal shower with the types of games they had people playing. The best game was you were given a safety pin to wear. If you were caught answering a question with a yes or no or if you had your legs crossed you lost your pin to whom ever caught you or tricked you in to breaking the rules. Of course I had to bring a gift for the birthday guy. A bottle of tequila of course. Would you expect anything less.
As for the end of the gap trip. It was kind of weird for everyone to say goodbye. It's kind of a shame to leave such a good group of people. It's not everyday you manage to travel with a group and have everyone in the group get along as well or as easily as we did. This was defiantly a special group. Not something you could copy. I want to give my thanks to Carlos our fearless leader for being part of our little clan. He really made this trip something extraordinary and unforgettable. Aloha to all of my new friends even those whom think eating meat is wrong. Here's Cuy at you. Cheers. You will all be missed. With our toes pointed towards adventure may the circles that our journeys make, one day cross again...