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NEW ZEALAND | Tuesday, 14 Nov 2006 | Views [1606]

November 1-6 We eaten a lot of great meals while we've been in NZ and while at Ian and Louise's.  When we were in Aukland that first week I got addicted to kebabs either lamb or falafal with yogurt and sweet chili sauce.  I've eaten more meat in the ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures


NEW ZEALAND | Tuesday, 14 Nov 2006 | Views [1313]

October 24-31 Where has the time gone?  The days have been just flying by.  The weather has been mostly windy with gusts of rain here and there, chilly at night but when the sun comes out it really beats down on you.  I went for a jog one day and after ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures


NEW ZEALAND | Tuesday, 14 Nov 2006 | Views [1076]

October 23 - Monday It was bright and sunny just a few moments ago but  now it's dark, completely overcast and, I think, it's hailing.  THe sheep have left the field below, for shelter, no doubt and our little caravan is swaying a bit from the wind ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures


NEW ZEALAND | Tuesday, 14 Nov 2006 | Views [931]

October 20 - Friday It was nice sleeping in our new tent.  It'll take some getting used to but it's really reassuring to have the bikes in the porch so we know they're safe - especially since we don't have a window that we can just peek out of to see ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures


NEW ZEALAND | Tuesday, 14 Nov 2006 | Views [737]

October 17 - Tuesday Auckland, NZ A beautiful sunny, albeit windy day.  We were going to take our bikes for their first real ride today.  Jon and I were both itching to go riding and had missed pedalling while we were in Asia.  Tortured with the bikes ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures


NEW ZEALAND | Tuesday, 14 Nov 2006 | Views [1048]

October 16 - Monday Auckland, NZ It was like we were back home in Seattle.  The weather was completely overcast there was no hope of the sun breaking through these thick gray clouds.    I was up and paid for "one more night" at the guest house ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures


NEW ZEALAND | Tuesday, 14 Nov 2006 | Views [1049]

October 15 - Sunday Auckland Still no word about our bags so we paid for another night.  The "breakfast" that came with our accomodation fee consisted of bread, butter, and vegemite.  I tried vegemite while at Rory's house in England - he ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures


NEW ZEALAND | Tuesday, 14 Nov 2006 | Views [898]

October 14 - Saturday Auckland, New Zealand We slept in until noon. I have a vague recollection of vacuuming in the hall outside our door and someone using an electric saw at the construction site next door. "Whoa, it's really late." - J I've ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures


NEW ZEALAND | Tuesday, 14 Nov 2006 | Views [1171]

October 13 - Friday Auckland, New Zealand Oh my god.  I have never been so glad to be somewhere.  Finally, we are at our destination.  Five countries, five time zones, two different airlines and several foil-wrapped meals later, we're here. But not ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures


NEW ZEALAND | Tuesday, 14 Nov 2006 | Views [1779] | Comments [1]

October 12 - Thursday Singapore Auckland, New Zealand We slept in a bit.  Check out time wasn't until noon and we were in that room until the last minute still trying to shave off a little more weight from our luggage.  The bike boxes said they were ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures


SINGAPORE | Tuesday, 14 Nov 2006 | Views [1066]

October 11 - Wednesday Hong Kong International Airport Bangkok's new International Airport Singapore Our flight out of Hong Kong left around 0900.  We were up and heading for our gate around 0700.  I hurt everywhere and from the looks of Jon's face ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures


CHINA | Tuesday, 14 Nov 2006 | Views [791]

October 10 - Tuesday Seoul, South Korea Hong Kong International Airport We spent the morning doing last minute research on the internet, downsizing as much as possible to fit as much as possible in the carry on bags and as little as possible in the ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures


SOUTH KOREA | Tuesday, 14 Nov 2006 | Views [1082]

October 8 - Sunday Seoul We had the best brunch in the mezzanine level of the hotel this morning.  I had waffles with actual, honest to goodness imitation maple syrup.  It was really good. The entire spread was pretty impressive with salads, omlette ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures


SOUTH KOREA | Tuesday, 14 Nov 2006 | Views [1107]

October 1 - Sunday Seoul I braced myself against the idea of another long day.  My uncle wanted to take us to some island that he though we would enjoy that was north of Seoul so we trooped out again and met him, my cousin and her two kids at the Anyang ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures


SOUTH KOREA | Tuesday, 14 Nov 2006 | Views [1209]

September 29 - Friday Seoul It felt really good to be in Korea again - more than I thought it would.  It was also good to see my parents and sister but strangely, for that first day in town, I felt more homesick being around them than I had when we ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures


SOUTH KOREA | Tuesday, 14 Nov 2006 | Views [1031]

September 28 - Thursday Seoul We were up bright and early.  Jon, Mary and I were sharing a room across the hall from mom and dad.  Mary was able to get a laptop computer for our room.  Mom had the day planned, she had some things to accomplish while ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures


SOUTH KOREA | Tuesday, 14 Nov 2006 | Views [843]

Septeber 27, Wednesday Seoul What a whirlwind!  I'm doubley glad we kicked back and took it easy in Thailand because we've been going virtually nonstop since we arrived in Korea at 0455 last Tuesday morning.  I had slept most of the way from Hong Kong ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures


THAILAND | Tuesday, 14 Nov 2006 | Views [742]

September 20 - Wednesday It's interesting how the US has all of these legal standards/codes that must be met and maintain by businesses.  For example medical facilities, restaurants/food service areas and building and construction.  The buildings across ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures


THAILAND | Tuesday, 14 Nov 2006 | Views [1115]

September 24 - Sunday Karon Beach, Phuket Our last full day at the beach.  I'm at a coffee shop looking out over the Andaman Sea.  It looks like we'll be seeing some more of monsoon season today.  The horizon is dark with cloads, the horizon starts ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures


THAILAND | Tuesday, 14 Nov 2006 | Views [997]

September 19 - Tuesday "Is today Tuesday?" - S "Hang on."  - J as he checks the day feature on his watch. "Yep.  Tuesday.  I can't believe it." - J We're losing track again.  We moved residences today after two nights ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Gallery: Heading south from Picton, NZ (on the south island)

NEW ZEALAND | Tuesday, 14 Nov 2006 | Photo Gallery

See all 15 photos >>

Gallery: Wwoofing it up in Te Mata. 20km north of Thames

NEW ZEALAND | Tuesday, 14 Nov 2006 | Photo Gallery

See all 46 photos >>

Gallery: Auckland, NZ

NEW ZEALAND | Tuesday, 14 Nov 2006 | Photo Gallery

See all 12 photos >>

Gallery: Cemetary where my great grandmother is buried

SOUTH KOREA | Wednesday, 4 Oct 2006 | Photo Gallery

World Tour
See all 8 photos >>

Gallery: Weekend in Korea

SOUTH KOREA | Wednesday, 4 Oct 2006 | Photo Gallery

World Tour
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