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Secret Tales from Suburbia

My Photo scholarship 2011 entry

Worldwide | Tuesday, November 8, 2011 | 5 photos

Secret Tales from Suburbia highlights a journey from an iconic park in the heart of Brisbane city to a hidden oasis in the sleepy suburbs just 15 minutes away. I was surprised with how natural beauty could be sought anywhere, even in the traffic light jungle we call metropolitan life. All one must do to experience the true meaning of exploration is to seek without direction, and relish any experience as a new discovery.

My shot locations are places I love visiting because they offer boundless opportunities for mindless meanderings. I always feel like I’ve been transported to a hidden world that unveils a beauty that can be captured even in the most mundane moments in quotidian life.

As a naturally inquisitive person, I'm always driven to see or feel things differently to others. I want people to see things, the ugly and the beautiful, through my eyes and understand my motivations behind each picture.

I'm drawn to nature photography because I admire the aesthetic complexities of twisted tree branches or the steadfast monotony of the continuous flow of water. I often struggle with lighting, as I am an advocate for natural light, but I am gaining more knowledge with times of day to shoot and building confidence with polarisers and reflectors.

Afflicted with a incurable case of wanderlust and thirst to escape reality recently took me on a three month journey around the world solo across Central America, Africa and Europe. I regret not bringing my camera along with my travels, but I believed the risk of robbery was too great for the places I was venturing. When I returned, I was ignited with a fervent desire to keep wandering the world, next time WITH my camera in spite of any risk and to never be afraid to question the status quo nor keep striving for a better shot.

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