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One Blonde in a Sea of Brunettes

Professor Liao

CHINA | Thursday, 21 Oct 2010 | Views [495]

September 30, 2010 Professor Liao’s class always keeps me interested. There is nothing quite like learning about a historic event from a person who has witnessed it. It always impresses me when people overcome really awful situations, and instead of ... Read more >

Homesickness and Panhandlers

CHINA | Thursday, 21 Oct 2010 | Views [675]

September 29, 2010 Amanda and I spent a good amount of time today again at the bookstore right off campus, but today they were very adamant about us needing to buy a drink if we wanted to work there. The girl literally told us to get out unless we ... Read more >

Thoughts about Gender issues in China

CHINA | Wednesday, 20 Oct 2010 | Views [668]

September 25, 2010 Gender issues have always been an interest to me, and so today I figured I should watch a few interactions on the street just to check out a few differences between our interactions and the Chinese. The biggest difference between ... Read more >

Friday Fun Day

CHINA | Wednesday, 20 Oct 2010 | Views [654]

September 24, 2010 Today’s conversation partners’ class was really fun. I met a girl, whose name is lost to me know, that hardly spoke any English and we really didn’t have very much in common but it was fun trying to figure out what she was saying.... Read more >

September 23, 2010

CHINA | Wednesday, 20 Oct 2010 | Views [562]

Today we had such an interesting class with Professor Liao. The topic was the rural revolution in China and at first we were all really tired from the festivities of ZhingQiuJie the night before, but once he started relating the experiences of the ... Read more >

ZhongQiu Jie (Mid-Autumn Festival)

CHINA | Wednesday, 20 Oct 2010 | Views [698]

September 22, 2010 Today is the Mid Autumn Festival here in Xiamen! Playing a gambling game, drinking tea, eating moon cakes and spending time with one’s family to watch the moon generally celebrate this holiday. (Or so I was told) We were able to go ... Read more >

Photos: ZhongQiu Jie (Mid-Autumn Festival)

CHINA | Wednesday, 20 Oct 2010 | Photo Gallery

See all 22 photos >>

Typhoon Fanapi

CHINA | Wednesday, 20 Oct 2010 | Views [737]

September 20, 2010 Well today we had Typhoon Fanapi hit Xiamen DaXue, which was seriously destructive. Apparently 70 people died from it in the province below us. I suppose we are lucky, but seriously I was absolutely SHOCKED to see how many people ... Read more >

Photos: Typhoon Fanapi!

CHINA | Wednesday, 20 Oct 2010 | Photo Gallery

See all 7 photos >>

Photos: More of Xiamen!!

CHINA | Tuesday, 19 Oct 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Shanghai (day 9)

CHINA | Tuesday, 5 Oct 2010 | Views [430]

Friday September 10     I think we all struggled to wake up this morning. But luckily we only went to the Yuyuan gardens, which I kind of had been to, but only to the shopping part, not the actual gardens. Honestly I want to build a “mountain” scape in ... Read more >

Shanghai (days 7 and 8)

CHINA | Tuesday, 5 Oct 2010 | Views [750]

Wednesday and Thursday September 8 and 9 Our room in Shanghai is SO NICE! It has the best view of the Yuyuan garden and of most of the city. Not only that but it is the only hotel so far that had beds that didn’t feel like you were sleeping on the kitchen ... Read more >

Photos: Shanghai (MY FAVORITE!)

CHINA | Monday, 27 Sep 2010 | Photo Gallery

See all 122 photos >>

Xi'an (days 5 and 6)

CHINA | Thursday, 23 Sep 2010 | Views [444]

Monday and Tuesday September 6 and 7 When we arrived in Xi’an the next day it was pouring. When we met up with our tour guide he told us that the bus was a 20-minute walk to the bus… in the rain. That was a rough walk but we all survived ... Read more >

Photos: Xi'an

CHINA | Thursday, 23 Sep 2010 | Photo Gallery

See all 69 photos >>

Beijing day 4

CHINA | Thursday, 23 Sep 2010 | Views [515]

Sunday September 5     Again we ate at the delicious breakfast buffet and were able to have a long time to rest in the morning. We needed to pack our bags anyways. When we left the hotel at 11am, we headed off to see Tian’an Men square and the Forbidden ... Read more >

Beijing day 3 (scary scary night)

CHINA | Wednesday, 22 Sep 2010 | Views [804]

Saturday September 4 This morning we ate breakfast at the delicious buffet in our hotel then headed off to the summer palace and had a great time just walking around and taking in the beauty of the park. They had build a huge boat made entirely of marble ... Read more >

Beijing day 2

CHINA | Wednesday, 22 Sep 2010 | Views [660]

Friday September 3 Today was somewhat cold and rainy. BUT on the bright side we were able to trek the infamous Great Wall, well not exactly. This was just a small section of the Great Wall that is closest to Beijing, it was used in the past as a fort ... Read more >


CHINA | Wednesday, 22 Sep 2010 | Views [387]

Thursday September 2     This morning we woke up early to make our flight but it was pouring outside. When we got to the airport our flight was delayed 2 hours, because of a typhoon warning. But since we are in China, they ignored the typhoon and took ... Read more >

Photos: BEIJING!!

CHINA | Thursday, 9 Sep 2010 | Photo Gallery

we only spent 3 days in Beijing but it was incredible!
See all 266 photos >>

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