6 weeks to go and we haven't got passports, visas, health issues sorted, insurance, visa card or money etc organised. Before Christmas it seemed like we had ages to get ready, seeing we decided months ago to do this trip. We do have tickets and a bargain at under $1400, flying AirAsia, for all 4 of us return. Tickets cover flying from Gold Coast (GC now on) to Kualur Lumpur, Malaysia (KL); KL to Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam (HCM), Siem Reap, Cambodia (SR) to KL & KL to GC. Working full time & getting a bit nervous about everything falling in place in time. More later.
I'll keep a running commentary on costs of this trip for our own record but I'm hoping it will be helpful to others budgeting their trip and encourage other families to consider backpacking too. Look for it under another heading. Time permitting, it will be broken down into categories, otherwise just a cost per day. We'll name our accommodation under each diary entry and give it a family rating.
Countdown: 2 weeks, from yesterday, to go and a lot has been organised since the last blab despite busy times with visiting family and friends, full time work for both of us grown-ups and surfing commitments of course. There's still a page long list of things to do but nothing that's raising my blood pressure. Everyone's getting excited and nervous knowing the next 13 days will go swiftly fitting in farewells to lots of people as well as last minute running around.