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Gallery: Laughing Lisa

SPAIN | Wednesday, 18 Oct 2006 | Photo Gallery

Barcelona pics
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Laughing Lisa

SPAIN | Wednesday, 18 Oct 2006 | Views [786]

I spent much of the next two weeks learning about Barcelona´s countercultural philosophies, debates and practices.  I met people from all over the world and started picking up my Spanish again.  In the meantime, I was also still searching for a new flat ... Read more >

Tags: People

Flat luck!

SPAIN | Thursday, 5 Oct 2006 | Views [993]

Although I had been fairly ill since coming back to Barcelona, I was well aware that my two month sublease expired on October 1st, less than one week away.  I searched through www.loquo.com, where I had found the current flat in less than three days, ... Read more >

Tags: People

Gallery: Barcelona - again!

SPAIN | Tuesday, 26 Sep 2006 | Photo Gallery

La Merce festival
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Barcelona - again!

SPAIN | Tuesday, 26 Sep 2006 | Views [855]

I spent the next three days hibernating, catching up on paperwork and overdue website blogs (:)) and doggedly transferring my photos from my overloaded camera phone onto my long missed laptop. I was sill fairly ill, but happy to finally be back and ... Read more >

Tags: Party time

Gallery: Medieval Malaga

SPAIN | Sunday, 17 Sep 2006 | Photo Gallery

Malaga´s monuments
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Medieval Malaga

MOROCCO | Sunday, 17 Sep 2006 | Views [1632]

With a heavy heart I journeyed in one, long bus trip all the way from Essouaira to Tangiers (about fifteen house including stop offs). I skipped the tour of Tangiers again and headed straight for the port, taking the fast ferry back to Algeciras.... Read more >

Tags: planes trains & automobiles

Gallery: Welcome to Rabat + How do you pronounce "Essouaira"?

MOROCCO | Monday, 11 Sep 2006 | Photo Gallery

Gus and Rabat
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How do you pronounce "Essouaira"?

MOROCCO | Monday, 11 Sep 2006 | Views [2062]

I contacted my housemates back in Barcelona to let them know I was alright and stayed in Rabat for the next week, meeting people, getting used to the culture, asking questions and getting organised for the trip down South. I went to visit a shop where ... Read more >

Tags: Doctors, hospitals & health

Surfing Morocco

MOROCCO | Monday, 28 Aug 2006 | Views [1951] | Comments [1]

On Friday I was just about ready to head back up to Spain, satisfied with my short stay in Morocco and promising myself a more substantial visit sometime in the distant future.  As I was taking one last look around the Medina, I bumped into Bob who worked ... Read more >

Tags: Beaches & sunshine

Welcome to Rabat

MOROCCO | Friday, 25 Aug 2006 | Views [6369] | Comments [2]

The next day we wandered into the market area of the Medina at around 2pm for some lunch, but once again found it sparesely populated.  It turns out that like in Spain, Morocco also has a siesta, from about 1 or 2 in the afternoon until around 5 o´clock.... Read more >

Tags: Culture


MOROCCO | Tuesday, 22 Aug 2006 | Views [1121]

Early on Saturday morning, I bade a hearty farewell to Pablo at Sevilla´s bus station, then prepared for the next leg of my adventure. I bussed from Sevilla to Algeciras all Saturday morning and met up with the Austrian couple (Barry and Beth) there ... Read more >

Tags: planes trains & automobiles

Gallery: Morockin!

MOROCCO | Tuesday, 22 Aug 2006 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Andalucian Tranquility: Part Two.

SPAIN | Sunday, 20 Aug 2006 | Photo Gallery

Cadiz and Sevilla!
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Andalucian Tranquility: Part Two.

SPAIN | Sunday, 20 Aug 2006 | Views [1558]

The next evening I found myself in Cadiz, dropped off by the most hospitable resident in all of Andalusia, Pablo, who gave me a quick tour of the town and insisted I come stay with him and his family in Sevilla after I´d seen Cadiz.  I took his number ... Read more >

Tags: Culture

Gallery: Andalucian Tranquility: Part One

SPAIN | Sunday, 20 Aug 2006 | Photo Gallery

Heaven on Earth!
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Andalucian Tranquility: Part One.

SPAIN | Sunday, 20 Aug 2006 | Views [1508]

"Is it morning already¨?" Consciousness seeped in through my fuzziness and revealed the wafting beachcomber voices and brilliant sunshine to actually be a bright torch brandished by a pair of Andalucian policemen babbling at me in Spanish.... Read more >

Tags: Misadventures

¿Spain Without A Map? Part 2.

SPAIN | Friday, 11 Aug 2006 | Views [1413]

Our first night in Algeciras we slept near the beach three in the car again and awoke early for a morning swim at the beach before cleaning and returning the car.  After a few hours of nervously driving around this overcrowded Spanish port town unable ... Read more >

Tags: Misadventures

Gallery: Barcelona easy

SPAIN | Wednesday, 9 Aug 2006 | Photo Gallery

Barcelona Beach and flat
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¿Spain Without A Map? Part One.

SPAIN | Wednesday, 9 Aug 2006 | Views [1452]

From the Boom festival in Portugal to a week in Morocco:  boy, do plans have a habit of changing!  My day bag was already packed of a weeklong camping festival in Portugal, so it was a small matter to swap a few items to be more suited to a week of hotels ... Read more >

Tags: planes trains & automobiles

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