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Pictures and Stories from our Time in Thailand

2nd Try - Holidays, Work and International Travel

THAILAND | Monday, 24 September 2007 | Views [344]

Ok, so I tried to write an entry the other day, got almost to the end and I lost it all. So here I go again.

Its been a busy few weeks for us Thai folk. Gina and Chris were here for almost two weeks and we were able to escape the hussle and bussle that is Bangkok and head south for the tropical island paradise Koh Chang. For five awesome nights we lived it up beach-side, pool-side, massage table-side and pretty much with any sides that we wanted! For 4 out of the 5 nights, we had the resort Gaja Puri, where we were staying to ourselves. Thats right. We were the only guest in a 4 month old resort. We stayed in little beachside bungalows and had the pool, spa and our very own personal waiter Khun Kai to cater for our every whim. The main one was cocktails, but we also drank a lot of fruit juice as it was readily available on the island.

Whilst we spent a lot of time lounging by the pool we also got off out bums and hired a boat to go snorkelling around some of the smaller islands. We were able to see so many different types of fish and coral, it was amazing. We hand fed little fish pinapple bits which was great. There were hundreds of fish eating out of my hand and aome that were a little confused and were nibbling on my back, arms and hands. We all got a little sunburnt during this outing, please refer to photos!

We als did an elephant trek. As you may have read, my previous experience with elephants was a little delicate and I was not too keen on jumping on the back of these wild animals. But Mike being Mike, was never going to let me off this one! It was pretty amazing riding through the jungle on the back of a 30 year old elephant. We had a Thai guide that had a great sense of humour and that really added to the whole experience.  Fear of the massive thing deciding today was the day it wanted to be free and riding off into the Thai jungle, wasnt far from my mind but I did enjoy myself.

We went on a bit of a gentle hike to a big waterfall. Koh Chang is beautiful islands with lots of lush mountainous scenery. You dont have to go to far to see a lovely view. We ate so much over the 5 days. Constant eating. It was a great few days and we were all rather disappointed to leave! Oh, I almost forgot. Guess who we saw on the island? On an island in Thailand, in the middle of no-where, we saw Michael from Big Brother at the pub for Australia`s first world cup rugby game. The guy that had the ring in his nose like a pig. He has put on a bit of weight.

Back to Bangkok for a few days of shopping, eating, sight-seeing and pampering for Gina and I. It was great to have Gina and Chris here to show them how we going and how we spend our days. Any other visitors welcome!

Penny also popped in for a few days just before Gina and Chris. We also did quite a bit of eating, drinking, partying, shopping and pampering. Penny and I went all out with traditional Thai massages, manicures, pedicures, waxing and foot massages. Penny had just returned from a big trip to Greece and I think I gave her a great send off back to work in Sydney!

Well after those great weeks, my days of lesuire came to an abrubt end last Monday. I started work. After 10 months of not too much to do, I am now getting paid to sit some where else and not do too much. The first few weeks of a new job are always the same - not too sure what your supposed to be doing and with my boss in America on a whole different 12 hour time zone, I dont have to worry about anyone checking on me doing little! But the first week or so are down and its going relly well. I have landed a great job and I cant wait to actually start doing something productive!

And I dont have to wait to long! I am off to America on Saturday morning. Yep, thats right. Two weeks into the job and Im off to the US for nearly a month for training! Ill be heading to Lexington, Kentucky (Yee-ha) to be initiated into the world of animal feed at Alltech! I fly out Saturday morning and I go through Tokyo in Japan and then Chicago before I fly the last leg to the Bluegrass Airport in Kentucky (agian, Yee-ha). Look out!

My trip to the US wont be my first international trip for Alltech. Last week I had a rather distressing ordeal in Malaysia. I flew down to Kuala Lumpur for the day to get a new visa. When I arrived at the office I soon realised that the assistant had made a mistake and I couldnt get the visa back until the next day. So I had to stay the night in KL, with no clothes or toiletries! And to make things just a little harder, my nice, fnacy new work mobile didnt work in Malaysia. So I had no way of contacting the office to tell them that I had to stay the night! Also, Mike was in KL for the day (such international types we are) and I was supposed to meet up with him but couldnt contact him because of the phone problems! It all worked out ok, and I was mighty happy to get home late Friday night and change my clothes. So if the first few weeks are anything ot go by, looks like Ill be travelling quite a bit and with Mike still flitting here and there, we may just be able to catch each other at the airport!

Now, BIG NEWS. Update on the maid status. I have written out the list of things she will be doing. I have our friend onto it, putting the word out for those wanting a job. We have to get one sorted in the next week or so because Mike is not the best at housekeeping and with me away for such a long time...it is now absolutely necessary - well, in a non-necessary kind of way!

Ok, Ill put some photos up for you all to check out. Thanks for all the birthday wishes! I had a great day. Happy birthday to mum (again)!

Until, next time...

tj x

PS. There seems to be something wrong with the photo loader. I cant load the photos. Ill give it a go tomorrow night!



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