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RoadSide Project Team SideProject tackles its biggest adventure yet.. navigating their way across North America with only a Homer Simpson plush toy in their hands and a cheap rental car under their feet!

St Louis and beyond..

AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 6 February 2011 | Views [489] | Comments [1]

Hello Team!

Now i would apologise for having been so slack with my blogging however this thing happened where i was recruited by the CIA and have spent the last few weeks jetting around the globe saving the world.. OR.. a more accurate version of the truth is that because we were mega hungover the day we left Memphis we left our computer charger at Diana's house and have since been relying on crappy hotel internet connections and our phones..

So.. to make a short story long and a long story short. After enduring what could possibly have been one of the finest house parties in history (made only better by the 100 odd jelly shots created by yours truly that sent everyone that little too far over the drinking barrier) Nick and i left Memphis early afternoon heading for St Louis. It was an emotional goodbye, much more so than any of us predicted. There were tears and hugs and Mario sunk to his knees in despair (I may have made that bit up), either way it was sad and the car drive was depressing and felt like it would never end..

It did end..

We arrived in St Louis just after sunset and made our way sluggishly to our room where we proceeded to collapse.. stood again only to go downstairs and eat in the sports bar that was conveniently attached to the hotel lobby before collapsing again. 

Then it was Sunday morning.. and it was going to be an amazing day.. mainly for me.. Nick feigned excitement for my sake. Idina Menzel concert.. need i say anymore? Without going in to mushy details about how amazing the experience was and how much i got out of it and how much i LOVE that woman and how extremely talented, humble, hilarious and gracious she is (even while in bare feet and snorting) i'll just say that it was a concert I'll never forget and one that has left me a changed person :)

We had another day in St Louis so we trekked the streets of downtown St Louis for most of the afternoon. The city itself is really very pretty, but after about 3 hours of walking.. we kinda found that there wasn't much actually going on.. we even failed to find a shopping centre.. it was a bit odd. Either way the buildings are beautiful and reminiscent of Boston. The Arch is rather impressive and makes for some lovely photos. 

St Louis had been three nights of ups and downs and too much thinking (good and bad).. getting back in to Frosty on Tuesday morning felt good and we were back out on the road ready for the next leg of the trip..

To be continued.. dun dun dunnnn




there isn't much in downtown st.louis unless your into museums (which are usually invaded with school children if it's on week day)

  Amy Feb 6, 2011 10:49 AM

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