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Just a nightmare for a week

VIETNAM | Saturday, 22 November 2008 | Views [325] | Comments [1]

This week I have been so busy. I get up at about 4.30 do my lesson planning and then go to school and print out my work to make the class. Which is really bad because I hate spending 3 hours creating a class. I would never do that any where.

But having said that my daily schedual is really hard. I have learnt so much about the theory of teaching. Which is wonderful it is really what I need to know. However because as with many teachers, I know my language very well. But for the life of me I find it really hard to analysis it. I realize that what I am doing with Korean children is suitable. But I will need to know far more about English Grammar in order to teach adults.

Having said that this course is not all about Grammar, there is much more to it than that. interestingly my teachers state that an English teacher should not speak in the students own language when teaching. But I disagree to some degree. I command much more respect and much clearer learning when I speak Korean in my class.

Also I got sick on Wednesday, I had to go to the hospital I paid out 100 dollars, but doctor did a whole loads of tests and gave me a clean bill of health except for a stomach bug, which he quickly subscribed strong antibiotics. Which seem to work well. This however is my 4th week in the last 6 of being on antibiotics. Oh well. One month in a year can’t be so bad. Doc did a urine test and said there are no problem there. So I am glad about that.

A big thanks to Lan in all this because she took me to the hospital, and she has eaten dinner with me everyday this week, and called me frequently to find out if I am okay. Which of course makes life much easier.



First of all, I am so glad you have an angle who makes your life easier. I hope you will recover as soon as possible. I am so interested in your courses especially about the theory of teaching. I hope that we will have much more time to have conversation later obout what you learn there. Do your best!!

  hee sook Dec 2, 2008 5:00 PM

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