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Stephanie's Adventures

Sora, Italia: Part 7

ITALY | Tuesday, 4 October 2011 | Views [238]

Tuesday 9/27 900pm Sora, Italia
     So, I know I only just wrote a few hours ago, but I'm sitting in my tent already and everyone else is going to sleep. A lot of volunteers and family members have been getting sick recently and so everyone is always sleeping. I hope I'm not next because that would probably mean me moving back into the house so I could at least have a bed to sleep in while I'm sick. But the only cold I feel is normal allergies, which everyone has. A few days ago I was getting worried because my ear was hurting off and on, so I decided to start one dose of antibiotics. My doctor gave me two seven day doses and while I don't want to waste it on just anything or on nothing at all, I have ear infections enough to know that just killing it now will be better than waiting until later. And the antibiotics is no good unless I use it. 
     I took my flashlight with me today because I knew if I went to the house in the afternoon, which I did, I would start talking to people and get caught up and lose track of time. But with my flashlight, I can leave and walk at dusk and get back to camp before dark. I like talking with the guest because they are from all over the world and it's interesting to talk with them. And I think they enjoy talking with the volunteers about what we do day to day, and since I enjoy talking, it is a good combination. 
     Tomorrow is Emma's last day. Emma is one of the volunteers from Australia and definitely the person I've become closest with. We are always laughing about something and she thinks it's hilarious that I know music lyrics to so many songs. Tomorrow we are asking Antonello if I can stay for dinner and help with before/after so that we can hang out a little more before she leaves. She is goign to Sorrento tomorrow for about a week, and then to London to see her brother that lives there, and then back home to Australia for awhile. But, in April/May she is coming to the US and Central America, so I told her she has to come see me in Texas and I think she is going try. Gavin, who I've also become close with, is looking into coming to Texas in January. I'm not sure how concrete his plans are, but if he does, then I'll get to see him too. Earlier this afternoon, Emma and I were talking about the Royal Wedding and asked Gavin who he liked better: Kate or Pippa Middleton... he told us he would get back to us lol. 

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