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My Photo scholarship 2011 entry

Worldwide | Friday, October 14, 2011 | 5 photos

What I would like to gain from this experience is, to create the image that I see in my mind more consistently with the use of a camera. If I could do this my images would educate and interpret rather than just be attractive. Through my passion and craft I aim to capture the viewer’s attention to think a little bit differently about the world around them.

When creating my images I try first to understand but most of all I work to reach a point where I feel the freedom and trust of the subject. When sharing those images I delight in talking. I want to give the viewer the feeling I get when I see something; that ‘wow factor’ I get when I’m in the field, it’s not just a bird, it’s how it flies, what it does with its wings and yes it can fly upside down. The only way I can do this better is to learn in the field, gain better understanding of the camera and to enhance what I see with one to one instruction.

I don’t deface my images with Photoshop. I capture what is, not what I want to see. As a young boy I was totally fascinated with the likes of Gerald Durrell, David Attenborough and Jacques Cousteau. The images and information from these programs have stayed with me for forty years. My images and words must allow others, particularly the young to experience the passion I felt then and still feel today.

Looking after all flora, fauna, places and peoples is not just a necessity it’s a priority for the continuation of the human race. I want my photography to play a part in this.

To achieve these aims my eye and technique must be exceptional.

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