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运动训练 Athletic Training Study Abroad in Taiwan

All good things must come to an end.

TAIWAN | Monday, 8 June 2009 | Views [493]

The trip went by way too fast but I couldn't ask for a better way for it to end!

We went ahead and got our exams and practicals out of the way Thursday morning so we could enjoy the rest of the day. For our practical we had to perform massage techniques, apply pain point therapy, demonstrate spinal manipulation, and more. Our studying paid off and everyone made good grades. For lunch, we were taken to a neat restaurant off campus that was Tappanyaki style, where the food was prepared on a large skillet in front of us. After lunch, we divided up and went to our last clinical rotation. I was really excited to be assigned to the training room again. I was able to help the same athlete with a torn meniscus that I had helped earlier in the trip and it was cool to see her progress. Again, she was very willing to let me help with her treatment. As a part of her strengthening program, her student trainer and I mapped out a circle on the carpet and numbered different points around the circle. I was able to use some of the Chinese that I learned as I called out different numbers and the athlete hopped on single leg to each point. It was also exciting to use some of the massage techniques I learned.

I may have written about this earlier but I want to emphasize how amazing it is to see the way their training room is operated. It is truly run by students. There are a few staff members that are available if the students have questions, but the students are on their own to evaluate athletes, create and carry out rehabilitation plans, track the progress, and keep their own records. They are also completely on their own at practice. As dangerous as this may be, it is an incredible way for them to learn! I am extremely jealous as I am a hands-on learner and learn best from experiences.

After clinicals, we went to our farewell ceremony. As we entered the auditorium, we were all given a handful of glow sticks (remember this for later). Our Tai Chi performance kicked things off and I must say, I think we did a fabulous job! We got a huge applause, anyway. Some NTSU students also performed a hip hop dance. We received our "diplomas" and some important people spoke. Then each student and their host students got up and spoke about what the trip meant to them. We exchanged gifts with our buddies; there were a few tears and lots of laughs. Then, all of a sudden, all the lights were turned off and loud techno music was turned on. It didn't take us long to figure out that this is when our glow sticks came into play. After bustin' out our moves for a good long while, we took a breather and all enjoyed eating some finger foods, chatting with each other, and watching a picture slide show of the trip.

The NTSU students had been scheming and told us that we had a long night ahead. We cleaned up and put on some spiffy clothes and then about a dozen of our host students came and got us from the dorm. There was a caravan of taxi's waiting outside and we all hopped in and headed to the heart of Taipei. LAVA, a fancy-shmancy popular night club, was our final destination. They paid to get a large table for us all (apparently you have to pay to sit at a table in clubs... this is probably how it is in any big city in America but I wouldn't know). The club must have known that a group of Americans were coming because there was a huge basket of french fries and a pitcher of Jack & Coke waiting for us at our table. We spent the whole night dancing, laughing, and enjoying each other's company. It was definitely a night that I'll never forget! Our taxi's were waiting to take us home and we all crashed immediately after arriving back at the dorm.

Friday morning we got up waaaay too early, quickly packed our bags, and left our dorm for good. We were treated to foot massages (this time was far less painful than the first time) and then went to lunch. Our host students surprised us by meeting us for lunch and we all packed out the restaurant! It was so nice to share our final meal with them and have a chance to say our final goodbye's. We made the bittersweet trip to the airport to begin our 24 hour journey home.

There were no complications with the plane rides and I arrived home safely. My parents met me at the airport and I was happy to enjoy some American food and catch up with my folks. Since being home I have enjoyed some Chick Fil A, purchased the new Dave Matthews Band album, and treated myself to a pedicure... It's always so wonderful to come back to America! But I am already missing Taiwan so much and wish there was some way that I could visit all our host students again!

I am so blessed to have been able to go on this trip! As I was going through customs in the airport, the attendant asked me why I didn't just study abroad in Europe or Australia. I am so glad I was able to participate in a study abroad program that was outside the norm. I learned so much and I definitely think that I could incorporate the things I learned into my career (whatever that ends up being!). And most importantly, I was able to experience a completely new culture and form some life long friendships!

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