The Office
Monday (yesterday), was my first day at work. I am working for Canmay, an Oriental International Investment Consulting Co. They basically audit peoples' businesses and personal finances to make sure they qualify to immigrate to the US and Canada. They also provide many services like interview training, resume reviews, and english classes for people before the immigrate. I think the process for immigration can be 1-5 years here.
What am I doing? Good question... yesterday I reviewed financial audit reports and made sure that the grammar was correct because alot of their translations in english are not very precise. I did five reports and then my boss told me to "take a break" and that meant I had nothing to do for the rest of the day. If you watch the American show The Office, you might be able to relate to the work style here. i have my own little cubicle with a computer and they gave me a little pink stapler and notebook. The office looks very American and is aircondtioned. The only difficult part right now for me is that I am pretty lonely. I haven't found anyone who speaks enough english to be a friend besides my boss. There are people in offices around the outside and then people in cubicles in the middle space. The people in cubicles don't really speak english and I am too scared to barge into the offices. I am pr*ying that there is someone here that i can be friends with this summer.
Commuting - navigating the subway
Commuting take 3 hours at least of my day. i say at least because yesterday I got lost and it was quite frusterating. I didn't exactly get lost, I just made a stupid assumption. I assumed that subways can travel a loop instead of a straight line. WRONG! I rode the subway to the end of its line for about 45 minutes, discovered there was no way to transfer to the line home, so I had to ride it clear back to the beginning and then transfer to my line. So, my commute to work which usually is about 1 hour and 15 minutes, took about 2 hours because then the bus from the subway to my house took a long time to get to the stop. I wasn't exactly scared, just tired and hungry because I didn't get home till 8:30 and hadn't eaten since 12. I made Easy Mac at my host home because I had missed dinner, and it was the best tasting food I think i have had in awhile because it was just so clearly american :) That brings me to write about one thing I am learning...(see below)
waiting has become a part of my existance in China that I was unfamiliar with in American life. I mean, I get impatient waiting for the microwave. Waiting for me goes beyond waiting for subways, trains, buses, taxis, group decisions, or for my next task at work. Waiting is really a heart issue. Am I willing to stop pursuing the things of this world and WAIT for HIM to reveal himself to me? I am confident of this, that He who began a good work in me will continue it till completion until the day of JC. i am encouraged each day by the Word and by my team or host family about His grace and love in my life. So now I wait, with peace, for HIM to reveal his purpose for me this summer in China.