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Nomadic Hands


BOLIVIA | Monday, 16 June 2008 | Views [1018]

Up the road... dogs going feral over garbage.

Up the road... dogs going feral over garbage.

There was a huge fiesta in the street, around the corner from where Arnaud, Beth, and I are living. Hundreds of people flocked into the streets, many dancing and dressed in colourful costumes (supposedly worth about 2000 Bolivianos each!) with large bells scaled up the side of their legs.
There was a 40 piece band marching down the street, and loads of men spinning noisy toy truck instruments in the air. Arnoud was outraged when a Chokita (peasant woman from the country) was roaming the streets drunk, with a baby strapped to her back. Unfortunately, I was unable to stay for very long at the fiesta... I was still feeling very ill.
My health keeps slightly improving... then dissintegrating rapidly. I have taken all courses of action healthwise, but have come to the conclusion that I have guiardia. Poor Arnaud and Beth have been bearing the brunt of my major negative mood swings! I´m no fun at the moment, and have been constantly biting peoples heads off and complaining about nearly everything!
I have however managed to interviview Joanne, Beth, Arnaud, ¨Diego¨, and Linda (The Co-ordinator of Helping Hands), on video over he past few days. On Monday I will be picked up by the directors of an animal sanctuary, and taken to Coroico. Perhaps out of this city La Paz, which I am not too fond of, I will get some fresh air and rest.
Many people absoloutly love it here in La Paz, but to be perfectly honest, I can´t stand it! I would never be able to stay in a city for longer than a week that spewed out fumes from nearly every vehicle, left, right and centre! I can´t stand it... I HATE IT! HELLO BOLIVIAN GOVERNMENT... GET YOUR ACT CLEANED UP! The amount of pollution released here is repulsive and totally unacceptable for every human´s standards. Children´s lungs are drowning in chemicals!! Just because this city doesn´t hold much of the pollution around the city, doesn´t mean it isn´t pollouting the rest of the world!
Since I arrived, I have noticed that people protest on just about everything! I think it´s about time that the locals here protest about the secondhand Brazillian buses on the streets!  



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