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To India with Love

(n)(o) not (N)(O)

INDIA | Sunday, 27 July 2008 | Views [1114] | Comments [14]

So a little no in is better than a big NO. Rejection. That would be a no. Not outright, but a definite tilt  of the judges face  away and eyes cast down to the bench before returning to the lawyer with the chin slightly thrust out and elevated. I wonder if there was a look down the nose too? Classic Dickensian style. I will never know.

What we do know is that the judge (she) (I parethisize it (I know, there is no such word) for no other reason than to be informative - i think), but again the judge has rejected our guardianship application because we have one adopted child already.  She is unsure about the reasons why we should be allowed another, or the procedure of how to apply the law to a second adoption. Just quietly I would have said "with pen...just there on that paper..." You see why I was not allowed in court. 

 The lawyers have one more chance to present arguments next Saturday. (They'd want to be good.) If (she) rejects it again, they will have to take the case to the High Court. That means a lot of stairs presumably. Takes a bit of time to climb those. Pack your lunch type outing.

So, here we are in Delhi on a beautiful monsoon night. Neelu with a little cough, mamma and dada with a big sigh - in as well as out. (A number of times.) The whiskey is all but gone and the longing has rolled over us as thick as the highland mist. Goodnight Ankita. Goodnight you all. Stories to come and pray glory for all. 

Tags: courts, delhi, judges, parenthisis



It is difficult to understand what is happening with this judge. Surely there are precedents for people adopting more than one child. You will be feeling wretched – and we are sad and angry for you. You will come home with Ankita. Stay calm and positive. We love the Sidhus.

Lyn xox

  Lyn and the Burdle Jul 27, 2008 10:25 AM


I'm stunned! Speechless even!
Our hearts are with you.
This HAS to have a positive outcome!!!
Looking forward to better times.
Denise xx

  Denise Howes Jul 27, 2008 8:00 PM


UNBELIEVABLE!! Adopting 1, 2 or 3..is this judge for real???!!! I feel so sad & angry as well abt the way this judge seems to be playing this! Positive thoughts Raj-Shayne, positive thgts...and mine are all with you both on this. Praying for things to speed up in the right direction and you will be home with Ankita and all this misery with our "desi" courts will seem like a distant memory.

  Toongi-Saiful Jul 27, 2008 9:51 PM


"BUGGER" - be brave and strong, the process sucks,
thinking of you all and sending you lots of love and cuddles from us. You love us remember!
x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x Saa,Pete, Raech and Benny.

  Saa Gilchrist Jul 28, 2008 10:02 AM


Andy, Rex and Lisard send big love and hugs. All toes, fingers, nostril and ear hairs crossed for next Saturday. xxx

  Elisabeth Gahl Jul 28, 2008 5:18 PM


What a totally stupid argument (no. 2 adoption). The mind boggles...we're thinking of all of you and have faith that it will all be resolved in your favour soon. Really looking forward to seeing you soon love fi, bri,sunday and olive

  Fiona Probyn-Rapsey Jul 29, 2008 10:21 AM


One has to ask what benefit the judge gets out of having to see you yet again when even a little 'yes' would do.Ah, but his is India....she wants to make sure she is doing the right thing.....according to whom, one might ask.
Lots of love and good wishes to you.....we will concentrate hard on putting positive thoughts into the air....

  Nyema Jon & Rose Jul 29, 2008 10:36 AM


Reading your last two posts at once gives me the tiniest whiff of how torn you must all be feeling. My cheeks are still wet from reading about your little girl meeting her Mamma and Dadda, and now nothing is as it should be. I'm so sorry there are so many aches for the heart on this journey. I'm sending your lawyer all the clarity, courage and sense I've got in my pockets. Good wins. Huge love to you four, George x

  George Jul 29, 2008 3:34 PM


Our hearts go out to you - we understand the pain of waiting for that second child. We pray that the judge will understand that the law has been put in place for the benefit of Ankita and Neelu as well as yourselves. There can be no question that the best interests of both children will be served by allowing this adoption to proceed. Perhaps if she could see the two girls together this point would hit home loud and clear. Like everyone else - we'll be sending positive thoughts for the 4 of you. Love Tim, Gillian, Andres & Raf.

  Tim, Gillian, Andres and Raffy Jul 29, 2008 3:35 PM


You poor things how disappointing, still all will go well this week, shurely she will find out she,s wrong and it will be all sorted next time. We are still waiting ourselves no news yet, we have just been in contact with a lovely couple in Brisbane who were in FFC picking up there little boy Senti 2yrs and they heard about us so took some pictures of Karunya and sent them to us so has been nice, anything helps the waiting time, Love to you all hangin there God Bless Athavles

  sarah Jul 29, 2008 3:35 PM


how absolutley frustrating, what is the judge thinking? Please may everything resolve itself very soon and that there is relief for you all. Thanks for the beautiful photos - oh India I do love you although you are so difficult to bare at times. Much love Penny

  penny mcmanus Jul 30, 2008 10:01 AM


Tears were still dripping from my chin after reading your most beautiful description of meeting the gorgeous little bucket, when a ball of utterly exasperated "WHAT??" began to form in my stomach. Staggering. But ... a hurdle, not the end of the course, here's all our prayers for that. You four, a strong and connected family (that's for sure), home soon. Can't wait to meet the Ankita of Welby.

  caroline and the veritys Jul 30, 2008 7:14 PM


Heartwrenched and feel your pain. Stay strong. So much love and lots of prayers....


  Ranee Aug 2, 2008 4:13 PM


Beautiful ones. Sending loads of love and wishes for your continued strength and tenacity. I can only imagine the way you must be feeling at the moment... I guess some things take more time. Stay positive my darlings! XXXX

  Kris Aug 6, 2008 7:15 AM

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