Near as I can tell, the Russians don't want me stinking up their country.
That's the only reason I can think of for their stupid visa rules. The original plan was to get my Russian visa in Hong Kong - and it would've worked similarly well as getting my Chinese visa did. Except in the last month or so the HKers and Russians came to a mutual-visa-free love-fest arrangement. Which is fine for them, but it's royally screwed that particular pooch for me. So after that, seemingly I have to go back to Oz to get a Visa. Bollocks to that, seen the temps in Oz lately? I just bought a kick-arse fake German paratrooper jacket in Beijing - gotta get me some use out of it.
I figure if I'm going to freeze my arse off, might as well do it falling down a mountain, repeatedly.
So I'm going to try and go skiing in Japan.
Smell that? That's what jealous smells like.
First, I have to figure out if Japan is going to force me to have proof of onward or return travel. Holy snap-crackle that shite is annoying.
It's not like I want to stay - I just wanna visit and stink up the place a bit.