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Hong Kong in a day

HONG KONG | Sunday, 4 June 2006 | Views [507]

Well we've landed!
pretty exciting for us but not a whole lot to tell so far so this should be nice and brief.
after pretending to be a female and getting away with it only moments before getting on board flight CX104 Melbourne to Honkers Merrin and I had a blast for the first hour or so of the flight, however we rapidly became bored and I decided that beer dosen't taste quite the same at 30,000feet. we became less chatty and took it in turns of sleeping next to the window and watching TV
Shortly after arriving we're swept away in a tide of people and ended up on a train, no idea where it was taking us, turns out, just to the other end of the airport.  just through customs and we are told to be quiet by the bus people taking us to the hotel apparently our enthusiasm wasn't appreciated at 1:30am in a quiet airport.
so to the hotel we went and being the gentle men that I am I ducked accross to 7/11 to grab some smirnoff blacks, however shortly after discovering that we're the three worst Aussie travelers ever, (no bottle opener) we decided to share one and hit the hay.
Al I know you'll love this... Bacardi 151 HK$200 dosen't sound so great but when we buy $8 with one of ours that's a fucking good deal!
So up early this morning, grab some brekkie and then we jump on a train and then into a taxi to get a tram to the peak (that's one of the tourist attractions) however our cabbie either didn't understand us or blatently ripped us off by taking us straight to the the peak so out we get and head into a cafe slash deli and I'm pretty sure that'll be the only time I'll be greeted by a Hongkes resident with Bonjour, How may I help you?  Any way it's a french deli at the top so we had quiche, pizza and this funny ham and cheese sandwich thing! (Welcome to Honkong Guys!)

After some shopping in and aroung Hong Kong and much use of public transport we're back at the hotel and cait has a new pair of shoes and new sunnies quick nanna nap and then we're off again

I bought food from a roadside market and Mez bought sunnies!

then we were off to the night market, very similar to Bali (lots of stalls, but once you've seen about half a dozen youve seen them all!  that is, until you get to the fortune tellers!  Many revelations including that Merrin and Cait are both going to be rich and powerful women and I'm not going to make any money til I'm 35 and that if I marry before then it'll end in divorce! Awsome! did I mention that if I marry a skinny girl it'll be a mistake? That's Rad, so some of us were more impressed with that $100 spent!

All in all, Hong Kong is a must see destination and it's definantly worth more than the fleeting 36 hours we dedicated to it! (there's always the way Home.)
Hope You're all well
Love you all but
Not missing any of you yet!
Much love Shanno

Tags: Sightseeing

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