PERU | Sunday, 20 May 2007 | Views [350] | Comments [2]
Advertising Timmys business all around sth america..go Local Cabinets
Hi u 2Have just sent you an email. Photos are great but I don't know about that beard Andrew. Watch out for the bugs living in the beard. As I said in the email, we do appreciate you spending time downloading the images and giving us an idea on what we are all missing. I have been putting more dots on the map so keep mentioning in the emails the towns that you pass through or stop. Love to you bothMum J
ann johnson May 20, 2007 3:41 PM
Hey Guys!!!! Nice hat johnno !!!! Great to hear all your travel stories keep 'em coming.lots a love Elks, Tim and Nyla
Elks and Tim May 28, 2007 1:31 PM