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Shan in USA

Arriving at JFK

USA | Tuesday, 26 Dec 2006 | Views [534]

Arriving at JFK It was quiet a while before the plane officially landed and we could get off, but I was ready with my bags to be the first one off the plane. So when they said we could get off the plane I was ready to go. I was one of the ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Arriving at Seoul

SOUTH KOREA | Tuesday, 26 Dec 2006 | Views [844]

Arriving at Seoul I arrived at Seoul and easily found the place that I had to transfer at, and got through the security easily. Once through the guards I took the escalator to the second floor. That’s when I had to find my gate for my flight ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Leaving the airport//the plane trip.

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 26 Dec 2006 | Views [571] | Comments [1]

Leaving the airport//the plane trip. I left Mum and Dad at the airport December 15 th . I got through security with just enough time to spare before I had to bored my flight. I had an excellent flight from Brisbane to Seoul. I ended up ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Gallery: Shans Photos

USA | Friday, 22 Dec 2006 | Photo Gallery

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