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Seiler World Tour

The Land of Opportunity

USA | Monday, 12 Jan 2009 | Views [1553] | Comments [4]

The American leg of our adventure, whilst on paper was the least exotic part of our travels, actually constituted our longest stay in any one continent and consequently a lot happened. Whilst not all of it may be of interest to you there may be bits ... Read more >

Gallery: USA

USA | Monday, 5 Jan 2009 | Photo Gallery

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A Life on Four Wheels in NZ

USA | Tuesday, 23 Dec 2008 | Views [921]

South Island Stepping off the plane at Christchurch airport the first thing you can't help noticing after a month and a half of rice and sunshine in Asia, is the similarities with back home. The weather was grey and overcast, the people were speaking ... Read more >

Gallery: New Zealand

NEW ZEALAND | Friday, 12 Dec 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Wat's Happening in Cambodia?

CAMBODIA | Saturday, 8 Nov 2008 | Views [827]

As the American band The Ded Kennedy's once sung "A holiday in Cambodia" is to some extent ironic as the country is infamous throughout the world for possibily the ugliest example of man's inhumanity to man - the actions of the Khymer Rouge.... Read more >

Gallery: Cambodia

CAMBODIA | Sunday, 5 Oct 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Halong Bay from home in Vietnam

THAILAND | Monday, 22 Sep 2008 | Views [784] | Comments [1]

If Laos had been a gentle walk in the park, then arriving in Vietnam felt like a shot of espresso to the heart.   The pace of life was immediately evident on our first night in the capital Hanoi. Everywhere we looked there was a blizzard of human life ... Read more >

Gallery: Vietnam

VIETNAM | Monday, 15 Sep 2008 | Photo Gallery

See all 114 photos >>

Living Laos Vida Loca!

LAOS | Friday, 29 Aug 2008 | Views [787]

After about 10 days enjoying the classic backpacking experiences of northern Thailand, the next stop on our epic adventure soon came calling - the mysterious, and less well trodden Asian outpost of Laos. Our main aim was to get to the fabled Luang ... Read more >

Gallery: Laos

LAOS | Friday, 22 Aug 2008 | Photo Gallery

See all 39 photos >>

Gallery: Thailand

THAILAND | Thursday, 14 Aug 2008 | Photo Gallery

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We've Thai-ed the knot!

THAILAND | Thursday, 7 Aug 2008 | Views [1572] | Comments [1]

Oh dear, has the honeymoon gone sour? Last night Bobby spent the night in a room with a French guy called Gerard and Kate was shacked up with some Dutch bird called Yorinda, and they barely spoke to each other all night. How come? What went wrong? All ... Read more >

Thirty years young in Singapore!

SINGAPORE | Sunday, 27 Jul 2008 | Views [820] | Comments [4]

So, our second diary entry finds us in the city/country that is Singapore. Our first night was spent in the 'Fragrance Hotel' - an ironically named budget hotel in Singapore's red light district, where ladies of the night lined the streets waiting ... Read more >

The honeymoon is over and we've come on holiday by mistake!

INDONESIA | Thursday, 24 Jul 2008 | Views [835] | Comments [4]

Hello from the other side of the world! This is the first in an occasional series of musings, tall tales, observations and blatant boasting from the Seiler World Tour 2008! We have just completed our first month of travel which included two weeks ... Read more >

Gallery: Singapore

SINGAPORE | Thursday, 24 Jul 2008 | Photo Gallery

30 years young
See all 27 photos >>

Gallery: Indonesia

INDONESIA | Tuesday, 8 Jul 2008 | Photo Gallery

See all 57 photos >>

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