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There are [71] photos and [8] stories about Malaysia

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Similajau National Park

Friday, 16 Jan 2009 | Views [1770]

We are beginning to feel jinxed by SE Asia’s national parks; the weather never cooperates.   It was pouring as we arrived at Similajau and it has rained off and on ever since.   Our driver was able to deliver us to the doorstep of Chalet B with a ... Read more >

Baku National Park

Monday, 12 Jan 2009 | Views [1145]

The #6 bus from Kutching is on its last legs but it costs only two ringgits, about 70 cents for the 45 minute ride to Baku Village.   Once you pay the ten ringgit entry fee you are free to negotiate a boat ride to the park proper.   The open boats ... Read more >

Borneo; First Impressions

Friday, 9 Jan 2009 | Views [1180]

Borneo conjures up images of steamy jungles, murky rivers, smoky longhouses and head-hunters with blowpipes.   But you would be surprised, neigh shocked, if you found yourself in, let’s say, Kutching, Sarawak.   The first thing you would notice as ... Read more >


Monday, 5 Jan 2009 | Views [1171]

Melaka (also spelled Malacca) has been an important center in the spice trade since the 15 th century, initially as a Chinese port.   The Portuguese ran the show for 150 years until the Dutch East India Company took over in the mid-1600s.   Melaka, ... Read more >

Taman Negara National Park

Saturday, 3 Jan 2009 | Views [2406]

“Look at the size of this one,” I said pointing to the leech on my calf. It looked like an inch worm when it attached itself but had grown to the size of my thumb as it filled with my blood. These aren’t the water living leeches of “The African Queen” ... Read more >

Kuala Lumpur

Tuesday, 30 Dec 2008 | Views [1056]

Most travelers would find a lot to do between Penang and Kuala Lumpur, assuming, of course, they were far enough off the beaten track to be in Malaysia.   There are national parks, beaches and the Cameron Highlands, but we have been to many similar ... Read more >

Christmas, Malaysian Style

Saturday, 27 Dec 2008 | Views [672]

Christmas in Penang, Malaysia is a bit non-traditional.   First of all the weather in Georgetown is about 85 degrees and humid.   The majority of the people are Chinese with their Tao/Confucius style of Buddhism.   The rest of the people are either ... Read more >

Gallery: Malaysia

Saturday, 27 Dec 2008 | Photo Gallery

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