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MOROCCO | Monday, 9 Mar 2009 | Views [1266]

Its coming, we swear!

Gallery: Morocco

MOROCCO | Monday, 9 Mar 2009 | Photo Gallery

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PORTUGAL | Sunday, 1 Mar 2009 | Views [1762]

what a beautiful city, and nice weather too. reminded us of san francisco in looks and weather-even has a bridge resembling the golden gate! we stayed in a pension right off the main square which seemed to be the heart of lisbon. preparations for carnaval ... Read more >

Gallery: Portugal

PORTUGAL | Sunday, 1 Mar 2009 | Photo Gallery

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CROATIA | Friday, 27 Feb 2009 | Views [1565]

Croatia is one of those must-see places that one hears about in passing conversation or through the pages of a magazine but it truly is a must-see.  Our stay was well worth the stop off.  Even though we were stuck there whilst the first snow storm ... Read more >

Gallery: Croatia

CROATIA | Sunday, 22 Feb 2009 | Photo Gallery

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GREECE | Sunday, 22 Feb 2009 | Views [1462]

updated.   athens was our first european city of the trip-grittier than a lot of europe, though. although the riots are over, it still seemed a little rough around the edges. it was a shame to see all the graffiti on the beautiful architecture. the city ... Read more >

Gallery: Greece

GREECE | Sunday, 22 Feb 2009 | Photo Gallery

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TURKEY | Monday, 9 Feb 2009 | Views [1719]

Our apologies for the long delay.  Our time has been consumed with poor weather, delayed-canceled flights and the infamous 'run around'.  Nonetheless, we are enjoying our time and love looking back on where we've been.  Turkey was an amazing country ... Read more >

Gallery: Turkey

TURKEY | Tuesday, 3 Feb 2009 | Photo Gallery

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EGYPT | Sunday, 1 Feb 2009 | Views [1541]

salaam alaykum from egypt! we spent half of our tıme ın egypt ın caıro, and half explorıng other cıtıes, temples and ruıns along the nıle rıver. caıro ıs crazy; the people are pretty aggressıve, ıt's loud, chaotıc, and ı feel lıke we need hyperbarıc ... Read more >

Gallery: Egypt

EGYPT | Sunday, 1 Feb 2009 | Photo Gallery

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UNITED ARAB EMIRATES | Friday, 30 Jan 2009 | Views [1424]

Dubaı was a modern cıty, lıke any other.  It has tall sky scrapers and bustlıng streets lıke any other major metropolıtan cıty but unlıke most other cıtıes, ıt was a small fıshıng vıllage just 20 short years ago.  After a brıllıant move to open ıts doors ... Read more >


MALDIVES | Thursday, 22 Jan 2009 | Views [1337]

The Maldives was a tropical island like none other.  White sand beaches, palm trees slowly swaying in the wind and a warm, off shore breeze to keep you cool.  We spent our days sitting on the beach watching the waves gently break and sitting on the deck ... Read more >

Gallery: Dubai

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES | Thursday, 22 Jan 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Maldives

MALDIVES | Thursday, 22 Jan 2009 | Photo Gallery

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CAMBODIA | Wednesday, 14 Jan 2009 | Views [1325]

one would assume a passport expiring in may '09 would pose no problems for a trip ending in march '09... not so, in southeast asia, as we discovered a little too late. unfortunately, all we have seen of phnom penh, has been the u.s. embassy, a bookstore, ... Read more >

Gallery: Cambodia

CAMBODIA | Monday, 12 Jan 2009 | Photo Gallery

Siem Reap/ Angkor Wat
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Gallery: Malaysia

MALAYSIA | Wednesday, 7 Jan 2009 | Photo Gallery

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VIETNAM | Wednesday, 7 Jan 2009 | Views [1366]

so, i ve been sitting here for quite awhile trying to sum up vietnam, as we have seen it thus far. chaotic, loud, beautiful, friendly... we arrived in hanoi, the capital city several days ago. traffic like we've never seen before. pedestrians, bicycles, ... Read more >

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