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Day 22 Bratislava (0 :( kms)

SLOVAKIA | Monday, 30 June 2008 | Views [460] | Comments [4]

Got up real early today ( for yet another rest day ) after having slept on the veranda of the Bratislava Canoe Club. It's up on the first floor of a huge wooden building which the members of the club built themselves in 1935. People here are treating me very well indeed. I have even been given a key to the facility!! Kayak is kept in the boatshouse, no need to pitch a tent just sleep on the balcony. Not really any hardship considering the temperature. Plus I get to look right at the big dipper – my favourite constellation probably cause it's the only one I can tell apart from the rest. Anyway, I'm up at seven and looking at all my gear - anything that's not been used in the last three weeks has to go. One pile for food, one pile for disposables (rubbish!!) and one pile for goods to be sent back to the isle. Five minutes to wash self and an hour to wash all my clothes – nope I don't carry more than three T-shirts they were all just very .... unclean?

Tramming it into the center I can even remember where I had seen the post office on my way home last night and I take note as I'm walking by the German Embassy who is flying it's flag at half mast today. Somehow they always seem to be able to get a really nice building where ever they fancy putting in an embassy.

My first encounter with Slovakian bureaucracy is not a happy one. Of course I hadn't filled out the necessary forms to send a parcel to England. And why is there no address for the sender on the parcel?

She explains to me in Slovakian which is very similar to Polish, perhaps not surprisingly. I try English, German, Spanish (it had worked well at the newsagents) and even throw in the odd Japanese word for good measure. We agree to disagree in all the afore mentioned languages although she speaks none of mine and I'm none of hers and in the end I'm sending it from my address in England to my address in England seeing how I'm homeless at present and I doubt that the lady behind the counter would take Seal – GB as my present abode. How she manages to charge me fifteen pounds for this I will never know. Ohh, and thank you soo very much to the lovely lady who came out of nowhere rescuing me from filling in that nasty form – in triplicate, of course...

Also bought some new supplies from Tesco, Bratislava – very elegant and stylish! In fact I'd thorougly recommend this city to anyone who is looking to teach abroad. Rarely have I seen such beauty both architecturally or in the streets. Loads of tourists here and a very cosmopolitan feel to it all. Do check out the old part of town – you won't be disappointed!!

Off to Budapest tomorrow – apparently very little chance of replenishing food supplies and drinking water. Should be there in four or five days.

Although things are getting a little less organised both on the river and off, I'm enjoying the change in language and currency as well as the cultural differences on offer.



Hola bonito!!
Glad to hear you're having fun. You didn't mention so in case you didn't hear the news.... we won!!! :)
Not that you're interested in football though. Anyway keep your chin up and continue enjoying the journey. We're all jealous! Remember to come back, pls!
Regards from all in the house, including Brusi, Keela and "pollo" (you never gave it a name tut tut)

  Laura Jul 1, 2008 7:49 AM


Read this and thought of you.



  Issy Jul 1, 2008 8:50 PM


Last official day today. Will have time to read all your entries when relaxing at home.
Liebe Gruesse

  Barbara Jul 4, 2008 8:45 PM


Hello Ralph

All at College reading your blog. You're a hero! Even gave your name to some novice kayak-ers I met in a cafe today. Nice to see a couple of ornithological snaps on your photo page....

When you say 'replenishing supplies' does it just mean chocolate and cakes? Sue was worried about your ice-cream intake. Journey sounds fantastic. Everyone says hello.

Avoid those tankers. Ganbatte!


  Paul Jul 6, 2008 2:52 AM

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