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Somewhere Over the Rainbow

Moto Adventures

CAMBODIA | Sunday, 28 November 2010 | Views [579]

I finally did it!!!  I rode a moto today for the first time!  Come on somebody, give me a gold star!  Alright, alright… I know good and well (and am reminded by others quite often enough) that I’m a big chicken.  I’m okay with that.  I have a healthy ego you now… I never claimed to be Super Woman. 

But motorcycles?  Yeah, I don’t know about that…they’re like deathcicles.  I’m not a big fan.  I drove a moped once when I was in college on spring break in Panama City Beach, Florida.  Courtney Coutret wanted to rent some mopeds and ride around the strip and I thought, ‘Sure! Why not?’ 


We went out to a dusty parking lot, drove around in a few circles, I think I may have ran into a trash can with mine and almost fell over, and then they told us to bring them back at the designated time – 2 or 3 hours or something like that.  As I drove out of the parking lot on my little moped, trying to keep up with Courtney the adventure maniac, I remember thinking, ‘You don’t even have to have a license to drive this thing?’ 

Did I know how to STOP the moped? 


Did I run through some red lights? 


Were people in their cars staring out their windows and looking at me funny because I was alone on a moped, driving down a busy strip while screaming ‘I don’t know how to drive this thing!  Get out of the way!’ ??? 

Uh, yeah…

I think you get the point.

2 wheeled motorized forms of transportation just aren’t my thing.  But… back to my point here anyway … I did it!  I finally got up enough courage to ride on a moto here in Phnom Penh (side note:  to most, if not ALL, other people here in Phnom Penh this is certainly not noteworthy in any regard; it’s apparently not that big of a deal whatsoever & the people here are amazed that it’s actually taken me a month just to get up the guts to take a moto). 

And as I’m getting off of the moto after my first 5 minute ride, while thinking to myself, ‘Wow, that wasn’t bad at all!’ I really don’t know what happened; I think I literally just tipped over!  All I know was that there I was, laid out flat on the sidewalk, face in the dirt and the moto driver didn’t even flinch.  I wish I could tell you that as I was sprawled out there, Noman came rushing over to help me up and asked me in his most concerned voice, ‘Oh my gosh Sarah…Are you okay?’  But, I’m pretty sure he only gave me a half glance over his shoulder while paying the moto guy and when it actually sunk in that there I was, still tipped over, still laying on the ground, I do believe all I heard was laughing and then some sort of ‘Did you break my computer?’ since I was wearing the backpack.  Ahh, the romance of it all…

But back to the point here anyway, first moto ride = success!  Well, kind of . . . and I even have the bruises to prove it! ;)



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