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it's a long way from whitley bay... Hi everyone and welcome to our journal where you can see and read what we've been up to and where we're going next. We hope you enjoy it, and would love you to keep in touch with your news, and send us your comments! Lots of love, Sarah and Phil x ;)

Trip Stats - 2/3 of the way!

BRAZIL | Monday, 16 June 2008 | Views [1228] | Comments [1]

Can we have a drum roll to begin this entry please? Thank you...

Yes, it´s what you´ve all been waiting for for these past three months - a second round of Sarah and Phil´s trip stats!  Stay with us readers*, this one has pie charts and everything...

*prospective employers excluded

Countries we've been to = 13 - only 2 to go!

No. of days we have been away = 185

Cheesy fridge magnets now in our collection = 45 (wedding gift idea - large fridge!)

Total number of days spent on buses so far = 9.5 (6.5 of those have been in South America)

No. of times we have watched the Bourne Ultimatum on buses = 5

Total number of days spent on trains = 5.5

Total number of days spent on the beach = 4 

No. of days spent playing scrabble = 2.5

Games of scrabble completed = 51(current score S32/P19) - Phil´s share has improved by 1% (though he is standing behind me now and would like to point out he did get the highest score for one game - 451!)                         

Books read so far = 21 (Sarah), 15 (Phil). The dramatic slowing of our reading rate is rather difficult to explain but we think it is something to do with the rising price of oil and the decreasing quality of words in general

Number of times we have read an actual physical newspaper = 4

Number of times we have read the news online = approx 370

Number of times that Phil has been asked for alternative ID = 3. Twice for buying booze (once real ale - and he has a beard for goodness sake!!), and once to get into Uruguay with the beard!

Amount spent on hair cuts = 3 pounds between us

*see fig 2 for how this breaks down against the rest of our budget...

Mosquito bites -  S = 36 (almost all in South America and two on the eye and one on the ear!), P = 1 suspect, though it might just have been a spot

No. of friends who have had babies / are expecting = 3

Big Congratulations to Kerry and Lee, Nella and Ben and Jaye and Tom!!!

to be continued!...



So the above analysis confirms my comment of you are to travelling what Keith Floyd is to cooking is indeed correct!!

I'm also struggling somewhat with the days on beach statistic - either you have brought a serious weather jinx to all places sunny or you are trying to lull me into a false sense of pasty white security and you'll jump out from behind your new sombreros all tanned and californian like with a loud 'just kidding!'Hmmmm

Anyway, most disappointed to find there wasn't a 'Days til Louise arrives = 9!' statistic but suppose I can let you off in the name of holiday harmony and I'll that

Is one trans-atlantic newspaper delivery gonna be enough or shall I bring a selection of proper news and trash - yes readers, that's right, they've asked me to bring the paper!!

L xxxxxxx

  Louise Humphreys Jun 20, 2008 6:14 AM

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