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oh darling, let's be adventurers! To move, to breathe, to fly, to float, To gain all while you give, to roam the roads of lands remote...

Photos: Goa

INDIA | Saturday, 16 Nov 2013 | Photo Gallery

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Banana Yoga on the Beach Anyone?

INDIA | Saturday, 16 Nov 2013 | Views [491] | Comments [3]

Had this accurate description been given beforehand we may never have found ourselves eagerly volunteering for what we thought was an innocent yoga class... Instead an enthusiastic yoga instructor, with a rather sexy (?) ponytail, had us maneuvering ... Read more >

Photos: Kahna National Park & Mumbai

INDIA | Tuesday, 5 Nov 2013 | Photo Gallery

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Train talks, tiger tracking & Mumbai love affairs...

INDIA | Tuesday, 5 Nov 2013 | Views [645]

We spent 12 hours sharing travelling gossip with a lovely American-French couple, Brett and Vanessa, whilst on the Varanasi-Mumbai train crossing this huge country. We were mainly de-briefing on the weird and wonderful experiences of Varanasi, but also ... Read more >

Notes: Why do we travel?

INDIA | Sunday, 3 Nov 2013 | Views [490] | Comments [3]

Before we left, life at home, in Edinburgh, was great, it was getting better each year even, we finished our University degrees, we both had good jobs, salary was steadily rising, professional qualifications and opportunities opened up, we got a nicer ... Read more >

Photos: Varanasi

INDIA | Friday, 1 Nov 2013 | Photo Gallery

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Bonkers Benares

INDIA | Friday, 1 Nov 2013 | Views [1153]

Varanasi (Benares in Hindi)... 'Brace yourself, you're about to enter one of the most blindingly colourful, unrelentingly chaotic and unapologetically indiscreet places on earth. Varanasi takes no prisoners. It's one of the oldest continually inhabited ... Read more >

Photos: Annapurna Circuit Trek

NEPAL | Saturday, 26 Oct 2013 | Photo Gallery

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The Mighty Annapurna Circuit Trek

NEPAL | Saturday, 26 Oct 2013 | Views [1826]

Ruth found the idea of walking across the border odd, stepping into 'no-man’s land' and emerging in a different country. But it seemed fitting to 'walk' into Nepal since walking is what we had come for. Walking is also by far the most comfortable ... Read more >

Photos: Phool Chatti Ashram

INDIA | Friday, 4 Oct 2013 | Photo Gallery

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Phool Chatti Yoga Ashram

INDIA | Thursday, 3 Oct 2013 | Views [1452]

Five kilometres up the road from Laxman Jhula, where the mountains start to expand, become more jungle-ified, and where there are fewer houses and less people we found Phool Chatti Ashram, neatly positioned right on the banks of the Ganga. We'd signed ... Read more >

Photos: Rishikesh

INDIA | Sunday, 29 Sep 2013 | Photo Gallery

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Magical Rishikesh

INDIA | Sunday, 29 Sep 2013 | Views [644]

(We got off to a false start this morning for the Annapurna trek because the contents of my backpack got drenched - twice! Dam you fake Nepalese camelbak, why did you have to explode! Currently drying out my gear but the good news is we can update the ... Read more >

Photos: Pinjore & Chandigarh

INDIA | Friday, 20 Sep 2013 | Photo Gallery

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Pinched in Pinjore

INDIA | Thursday, 19 Sep 2013 | Views [334] | Comments [2]

The other night I was lying awake thinking about the last few days, when I heard an extended, five minute, deep groan from a cow giving birth somewhere near. I thought to myself, another Holy Creature born, a shitting, smelly, fly attracting lump that ... Read more >

Photos: Shimla

INDIA | Wednesday, 18 Sep 2013 | Photo Gallery

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Monkey Mayhem in Shimla

INDIA | Wednesday, 18 Sep 2013 | Views [417] | Comments [1]

Arriving into Shimla was like arriving to Weston Super-Mare only we were in the mountains and not by the sea. A bizarre town which the British established in the early 20th century as a means of escaping the sticky indian heat during the summer. The ... Read more >

Parvati (perverty) Valley

INDIA | Wednesday, 18 Sep 2013 | Views [328]

Leaving Manali behind we headed for Naggar. We braved the local buses and travelled a short distance down the valley on a rickety old metal wreck with people staring at us. It got us there in one piece and we checked in for the night at the 15th century ... Read more >

Photos: Manali

INDIA | Tuesday, 10 Sep 2013 | Photo Gallery

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INDIA | Monday, 9 Sep 2013 | Views [895] | Comments [5]

We absolutely loved our time staying in Old Manali! Such a stunning place nestled between mountains and surrounded by forest. I realised I'd missed trees! The chilled-out vibe, great little cafes with terraces practically hanging out over the river and ... Read more >

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