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There are [0] photos and [2] stories tagged with "temples".

Long weekend in Buriram

THAILAND | Saturday, 1 Jun 2013 | Views [1181]

Since I last wrote on here we had a long weekend, so 12 of us from Surin and surrounding area decided to escape to Buriram, the next province to the west of Surin. A load of others from Surin, and also interns from all round Thailand met up in Bangkok ... Read more >

Tags: buriram, tefl, temples, thailand, trains

My new home, Thai style

THAILAND | Tuesday, 7 May 2013 | Views [610] | Comments [1]

So that's my week in Bangkok over already! I'm now here in Surin where I will be teaching English to three year olds in a local school.  A few things from last week: Went to a market and ate a grasshopper!! Went in a racing tuktuk visited ... Read more >

Tags: bangkok, elephant, grasshopper, surin, tefl, temples, tuktuk

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