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My Scholarship Entry - Biawak Island, Indonesia

INDONESIA | Saturday, 12 Jan 2013 | Views [1306]

My name is Rukman Sadikin, a 27-year-old man who loves exploring the world because of my curiosity to see the beauty of the world. I was actually a shy and coward man, maybe not in the classification to be an adventurer nor to be the real man. But I'm ... Read more >

Tags: #wnphoto, middle east, oman, peregrine adventures, photography, tourism oman, travel photography scholarships 2012

Photos: My Scholarship Entry - Biawak Island, Indonesia

INDONESIA | Saturday, 12 Jan 2013 | Photo Gallery

My name is Rukman Sadikin, a 27-year-old man who loves exploring the world because of my curiosity to see the beauty of the world. I was actually a shy and coward man, maybe not in the classification to be an adventurer nor to be the real man. But I'm ... Read more >
See all 5 photos >>

Tags: #wnphoto, a taste of oman, middle east, oman, peregrine adventures, photography, scholarships, tourism oman, travel, travel photography scholarship 2012

About rukmansadikin

The big lizard in Indonesia called Biawak

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