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Photos: Ireland

IRELAND | Wednesday, 11 May 2011 | Photo Gallery

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IRELAND | Monday, 2 May 2011 | Views [375]

Well, I have moved on from Ireland and am now in Salzburg, Austria. I have finally met up with my friend Martina, and we are starting our trip this coming Saturday!! :-) Ireland was a wonderful place to be for three weeks. I managed to visit the South, ... Read more >

Photos: Assilah and Tangier

MOROCCO | Sunday, 10 Apr 2011 | Photo Gallery

Last traveling weekend in Morocco! :-(
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Last Night in Morocco...For Now...;-)

MOROCCO | Sunday, 10 Apr 2011 | Views [552] | Comments [1]

I'm sorry it's been a while since my last post. The last three weeks have been a whirlwind. I can't believe that my last night in Morocco is here already. Tomorrow I board a plane for Ireland, where I will be for the next 3 weeks or so. It will be a ... Read more >

ALIF Camel Trek

MOROCCO | Friday, 25 Mar 2011 | Views [885]

Last weekend was another great time in Morocco. I went on the ALIF (Arabic Language Institute) Camel Trek. I had considered not going, as I have already been once, and it was such an amazing experience that I didn't want to try and top it, but several ... Read more >

Photos: ALIF Camel Trek

MOROCCO | Thursday, 24 Mar 2011 | Photo Gallery

We went with a group from ALIF (Arabic Language Institute) for a night out in the Sahara.
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Casablanca and Rabat with Shannah...

MOROCCO | Tuesday, 15 Mar 2011 | Views [392]

This weekend Shannah flew down from Ireland to meet my housemates and I in Casablanca for a girls' weekend of touring and hanging out. We met her at the airport around 6 pm, then headed to Rick's Cafe (an almost exact replica of the set from "Casablanca"... Read more >

Photos: Casablanca and Rabat

MOROCCO | Tuesday, 15 Mar 2011 | Photo Gallery

Met Shannah in Casablanca and visited the Hassan II Mosque and Rick's Cafe there. Then, traveled to Rabat and looked at Chellah ruins, Oudaia Kasbah, and the Rabat medina.
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Fes Medina, Ifrane, Volubilis, and Moulay Idriss

MOROCCO | Thursday, 10 Mar 2011 | Views [1459] | Comments [1]

Well, this last weekend was my first traveling weekend here in Morocco, and it was, of course, wonderful. Saturday morning was spent touring the Fes medina (the ancient center of the city) for three hours. It is a World Heritage site and I think probably ... Read more >

Photos: Fes Medina, Ifrane, Volubilis, Moulay Idriss

MOROCCO | Tuesday, 8 Mar 2011 | Photo Gallery

Weekend of 3.5.11
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Finally Here!

MOROCCO | Tuesday, 1 Mar 2011 | Views [491] | Comments [3]

Well, I'm here in Fes, safe and sound. The trip wasn't without its hurdles, but as far as hurdles go, these were pretty standard and tame. Just delayed flights and slow customs. Rather than arriving in Casablanca at 4pm the way I had planned, I ended ... Read more >

Waiting in the Airport...

USA | Saturday, 26 Feb 2011 | Views [332]

Well, here it goes! I'm in the airport, about to get on the plane, and it's definitely actually happening...finally! I have been planning this trip for so long, but in the process somehow hadn't really thought that much about the day of departure. ha ... Read more >

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