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I still love this City!!

NEPAL | Monday, 5 May 2014 | Views [383]

The pink billboard with Deepika Padukone in front of the Thapathali Engineering Campus said Life is an adventure! I said hell yeah!! It is even more so when you live in Kathmandu. Every day life becomes perilous adventure for kathmanduties especially ... Read more >

Tags: kathmandu

A room with a view

NEPAL | Monday, 5 May 2014 | Views [339] | Scholarship Entry

It is such a shame to write that I missed the sunrise! People from around the world come to just for the view of the fireball slowly rising from beyond the hills and here I am in this heaven, snoring till it was too bright to sleep! Actually I had covered ... Read more >

Tags: 2014 Travel Writing Scholarship - Euro Roadtrip

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