My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited
Colombia | Friday, July 5, 2013 |
flickr photos
I'm a young guy, living in one of the most diverse countries. Because of my principal job (sound recordist for documentary) I've been able to take my camera to some places normal people can't, be in touch with a lot of cultures, a lot of new and awesone people, a lot of animals, a lot of landscapes. I want to do it for more time in my life, learn from the bests and try to keep doing it like my other profession. The joy I can feel when I take a picture is very strange, and it is more when I can tell or feel that it was a good one.
I'm looking forward to find some recogmnition in my photography work, it's been some years since I decided to take my camera to do the pictures I think people can't take, just because I have the opportunity to share with the locals and I think I have the discretion and the sensibility to get into the intimacy of a community. That allows me to sumerge in a deeper way and find more places and attitudes from the locals.
I'm a trip lover. I love to bring my camera and try to shoot the right photo. I'm trying to be more accurate using the analogue technique and develop a real feeling for the pictures I take, not shoot just because.
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