Hi all,
So at the moment i am off school (work), so i have some time to relax and rest and sightsee. As you can see from my photos i went to Nikko on Friday, and went to see the fireworks yesterday. Today I am just going to chill, study and clean. I don't really have plans for the rest of the week. Me and Joey are going to visit somewhere one of the days. Most of my friends are busy this week, but there's always something to do or someone to hang with. I got an infection in my eye last week. I don't know what it is as the women couldn't translate is properly into English, but it impairs my vision. I can't wear my contacts. Summer is definitly here and it is HOT hOT HOT. I have to put my air conditioning on at night as it is just too hot and sticky and I can't get any sleep. I hate doing it due to te environment and cost but sleep is more important to me!! Obon (the week off) isn't a national holiday but a lot of people are off so it is soo busy. After the fireworks last night it was soooo busy walking back to the train station. I have never experienced anything like it, nor will I again i don't think! It reminded me of something you see on war films where people are being sent to concentration camps in the thousands!! Hope you are enjoying the photos. One good thing about the humidy is that it is really doing wonders for my skin. I've not had my ezema since i've been here, and my skin feels nice and soft. You just can't escape the hottness. Japanese people are suppoesed to sweat less than foreigners. It can make you feel really tired and ill, when you are constantly switching from really hot outside, to freezing indoors. Anyway, i do enjoy the hot weather when i'm off - i just constantly want a shower - it was 34 degrees yeasterday and the air feels like the hot air coming out of an oven!! Anyway take a look at my photos!