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Oops - the dentist!

NEPAL | Tuesday, 25 October 2011 | Views [400]

Time for internet access and some typing, but not because I (Hans) like it! Main reason to go to Namche today was to visit the dental clinic, but fortunately it turned out that my suspected tooth problem does not require ay drilling or filling. Still good to have met the dentist who has set up her clinic in Namche, in a similar way as the medical post in Macchermo is run. The business model is charging the tourists western fees to enable low-cost services to the locals and porters. She also runs a small academy to teach local staff and health workers about dental problems; an increasing problem due to the availability of sweets and soft drinks nd the rising living standard for the local population (so kids do eat more sweets, and should learn to brush their teeth and regularly see a dentist).

At the medical post we had a strange patient this morning: due to the noise of a helicopter one of the dzopkios charged into the clinic, scared collegue Sean who was cornered in his bedroom, and the stressed animal also left some droppings in the clinic room. All good fun as their was no damage, but 300 kg of wild beef in the medical post is not your everyday scenario.

The helicopter was needed to evacuate one of the patients that came in yesterday night on a stretcher, carried by a group of porters with head torches. Strange procession, but the patient was critically ill so no fun here. Mika and Sean gave him the necessary medication, kept him in a PAC-bag (inflatable plastic bag in which the patient is put, so we can artificially increase the air pressure), and once arrived at the post he was given oxygen throughout the night. The guy is really lucky we were notified on time - it was a question of hours before he would have passed out. Compliments for the medical team!

Adding to the last weblog update: the trekking for Hans was indeed nice, but due to some unexpected snowfall the plan to cross the Cho La pass was abandoned. Will come a next time, and the route back to Machermo was also nice. I have also visited the 'colleagues' of the Himalayan Rescue Association, who are doing similar work in another valley towards Everest. Good to catch up; same type of patients and stories on their side. while I weas trekking, Mika was in the temporary health post in Gokyo (a bit north of Macchermo, at 4800m) but luckily there where not too many patientsup thee. Apart form a first aid kit there are not many facilities there, so you do not wish to have any major problems up there. Luckily Gokyo is still reachable by helicopter if needed, but this season we have not had any evacuations from there.

For the next week (starting last Sunday) Mika will run the clinic in Macchermo, while Sean is in Gokyo. From Nov.10 Gokyo will be closed, and the trekking season should be over its peak. That will mean that Sean + Anna, and then Mika and Hans will be able to do a 7 or 8-day tour in the region. As Mika is restricted to being near the clinic locations, she still has to catch up with many ice routes, viewpoints and some stiff climbs over passes. Should be nice, but we'll come back to that late November!

Under the photos I've now included a few older shots from Kathmandu / Namche region, as (stupid!) I didn't take my camera down to Namche to download photsos (saving weight for the 4kg of chocolate to carry up)!

All the best,


And YES: NZ has won the Rugby World Cup!  Unfortunately no good NZ beer here to celebrate...



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