I dont think it´s healthy to be alone for too long. Our souls need to interact. I am pretty sure that, with time, you get used to being alone. But then you don´t like to be around other people. They get on your nerves easily.
When your alone, you dont have to wait for people, you don´t have to walk at their pace, you don´t have to talk to anyone. You do what you want to do. That´s great, but eventually, you get sad.
I felt sad for a while. I cried sometimes.
Then God plopped two new friends in my life and after Adam left, I spent a lot of time with Sanjay. I´m lucky because they are super -patient and nice guys.
After spending time with Sanjay and Adam, I became "nice" again...well, I mean, more patient with people.
So Today my friend San Jay went home (canada) and I´m alone again.
And I´m at that point where all I want to do is wait...wait to go back to home. But I know I¨ll be sick of it in a week or two. But still, I have this huge urge to wait.
So I´m going to keep myself busy. That´s what is nice about big cities, there is always something to do. But then I wonder...if we are always distracting ourselves (or entertaining ourselves)...are we living? If we never see the forest, are we connect with the earth? With God?
I love the city, but I´m not sure it´s good for me. I think that oftentimes we love the very things that will kill us. We love money. We love clothes. We hold love as a commodity...spending it on somethings and witholding it from others. When we want someone to change, we withold our love from them, thinking that, once they change, we´ll love them again. In the end, love should be treated like raingwater. Free-flowing and free for everyone. God doesn´t hold his love from anyone and He changes people all the time! (there´s a lot of info on this topic in the book Blue Like Jazz, which I´m borrowing to Nicki when I get home).
To conclude this chapter of my book of life-
Let´s love one another, shall we?