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Anywhere but the UK Almost three years of saving and hard work since graduation have culminated in this trip. My inspiration has come from reading inumerable atlas's and watching the quality output of the BBC ever since I was a kid. My route has changed in it's scope and length since my orignial ideas. The theme however,remains the same: to get beyond the shores of our tiny island and to experience and explore the world beyond. Oh and to have a good time and not work for six months!


There are [0] photos and [2] stories tagged with "Misadventures".

The Land of Smiles

THAILAND | Friday, 11 May 2007 | Views [1099] | Comments [1]

Before leaving Malaysia I had read that Thailand was the land of smiles and this is certainly true. Everyone smiles here. Even the immigration officer, who had kept me in line for over an hour and a half, smiled as he meticulously checked through my ... Read more >

Tags: Misadventures

413 - 5

INDIA | Tuesday, 20 Mar 2007 | Views [660] | Comments [1]

Can you get meat withdrawal and thus crave it?   I’m not sure, but I certainly felt like you could.   After almost two weeks of eating nothing but various pulses, cheeses and vegetables in curried sauces I wanted some plain and simple meat and two ... Read more >

Tags: Misadventures

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