It’s that time again for me to update my blog. It’s been a busy week this week job hunting. As a lot of jobs out here is call centre work and get abuse from customers 24/7. I decided to book up and do my Green Card with this lad Chris. It means I’m qualified to work on building sites and do laboring work. It took 6hrs, but it felt like week had gone by. It was sooooo boring. With a test at the end. As they say I passed with flying colours. Cost me like $110 but worth it in the long run as I can use it any where on the east coast and many employers don’t like hiring you if you don’t have it.
Once we passed we met up with our mates Aaron and Matt and hit the internet café where we handed out of CV’s to various Green Card employers.
Matt got called up on the Thursday and they phoned me up on the Friday. We had to go and meet them and there office was in Hornsby Heights. It’s the furthest place on the Northern Line out of Sydney. Took 50minutes by Train then an exciting trip on a bus for 20mins. The day I went it was over 30c and I didn’t have any water with me. Thought I was going to pass out at one stage on the train. So hot. Think I lost weight sitting on the train.
When I found their office I had to do another test which was all about Health and Safety. After that I gave them my bank details and other info they needed.
Its strange out here because when they need you to work they just give you a text saying where your working the next day.
My phone went off at 10:30ish this morning and me and Matt are working on the same site tomorrow planting Trees. Got to be up at 5AM tomorrow so we can be on the site for 6:50AM, But we finish at 3:30PM. I think its going to back breaking work but at least its money in. A days work will pay for my hostel for a week. So if I do 3 days work a week than I’m sorted.
Today is a sad day in the hostel as 4 members of the “gang” are leaving and heading to Byron Bay. So goodbye to Zack, Nicole, Nicole, and Jason. Going to be weird with them not about as everyone are such good friends, But we will probably meet again at Christmas or up the coast.
Jason is coming back next week though as he goes to school in Sydney. Tonight we all mucked in and made a massive Taiwan meal. Was a Pukka Dish as the Jamie Oliver would say.
Last Saturday we all went to the Gaff. Was a Halloween party. Never been to a place soo busy. Matt got voted into the best dress competition. But all he thought he had to do was stand on the stage. But he had to dance by himself for a minute. But we had all left him so I don’t think he’s going to enter another competition again.
In the past week we have met more Swedish Girls than Australians. Which isn’t a bad :P…So we have been trying to speak Swedish all this week. As you can tell they are very impressed. Made friends with these Two Swedish Girls, Nina and Frieda. I now believe that the English are the most lazy as we only speak one language but all the other nationalities speak at least 2 or 3.
Not much to report this week I’m afraid. But looking forward to work tomorrow.
Wish Me Luck…..
Austin x