I've been in Pai now for almost 3 weeks but know that its time to get on with my journey. It has been a wonderful experience. I've met many new friends some of those whom I will hopeful see again as I travel through Laos. There is not much news from this end of Pai because one doesn't do a great deal in Pai but eat, party, sleep and swim. Every now and then you'll find the energy to rent a scooter and explore. The last time we did this Pet (Leannes boyfriend) said to us 'where would we like to go?' Our reply was 'to water, its too hot'. So we went on a lovely long bike ride through the winding roads and past gorgeous thai villages where roosters sit on the fence and people lazy in the shade if they are not in the fields. Finally after our bums were getting rather numb from the hard scooter seat. We arrived at our destination. And where did he take us? To a fishing park! Ha, we asked for water so he took us to water where he could enjoy the day. This is what happens when you are specific. We were thinking a lovely secluded waterfall but no a fishing park was much better in a mans mind. So we went on some paddle boats whilst Pet fished. Quite relaxing really.
And so this is Pai. Not much to worry about but much to do.
From here I go to Laos tomorrow or Wednesday. I'll head to the border crossing at Knong Xai and down the Mekong River on the slow boat to Luang Prabang to start my next adventure.