Something that is hard to get my head round ( but am working on it) is when people ( not everyone and it might only be until someone gets to know you) nod to say "yes" in response to some questions or requests from me. There is a politnensss of not wanting to offend and a smile and a "Yes, Yes" but in fact the thing doesn't happen. I am fairly certain that it is not my non existant language skills but just that it is considered impolite to say no to me ( foreigners/ volunteers/someone older than you/????) even if you have no intention of doing the thing. So yes can mean" no" or "maybe" or " you will just have to wait to find out". I have to guess and the more you ask the question " areyou sure this is ok?" the more they will insist it is ok but in fact time will show you that it was going to be "No" all along.