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Think Global Act Local

QATAR | Saturday, 15 December 2012 | Views [222]

It was an amazing experience I had in Qatar. Only ten days but it means a lot to me. Meeting my group leader Farhiya and the other delegates made me really feel so good about my group. We were ten delegates from ten different countries, which they are:


1.Farhiya from Kenya\Somalia.


2.Anila from Pakistan.


3.Sabrina from Algeria.


4.Rafiqa from Malaysia



5. Niki and Hardi from Indonesia.


6.Hamed from Iran\United Kingdom.


7.Tayseer from Sudia Arabia.


8.Sa’ed from Jordan


9.Asm Belal from Bangladesh.


10.And me from Oman.;)


I had learned a lot from each one of them. Everyone is just unique in his own way. They are from different backgrounds and different work fields but yet, we were most of the time together even after the Summit and that’s created a strong bound between us. I love them all and I know they love me back too. What makes my group special is that we spent most of the summit time together. Unlike the other groups or maybe other delegates who were eager just to hang out with people from their own country!WHAT! The summit has 17 other countries in it so you have to go out there and start to meet and learn from them. I remember talking to Sa’ed about it one night and he said, “I really don’t know how those people are thinking!” with all of my respect to them but you guys needs to think outside the box sometimes and believe me it will help you a lot. Just give it a try and remember it is OK to be DIFFERENT.


Back to my AWESOME group J , Anila, my girl, from day one, we planned our first night out and I knew from the moment I met you that you are the coolest girl ever and from that day we spent the whole time together and doing everything together.I really enjoyed your company. Miss you badly.


Niki, OMG she is so CUTE and innocent. I don’t know what to say about her but she is so good, kind and smart. When she talks, she just made us all quite and her wards and comments are always in the right place, no one can argue with her. I am so glad that I met her and I got the chance to be her friend.


Sabrina, her way of speaking is so unique and when she just starts speaking to us in French just because she is tired of speaking English and she really expect from us an answer when we had no idea about anything! It is just unbelievable!


Rafiga, our professional photographer. She is so kind and adventures. She likes to try new things and sometimes I really feel that she is like a mom to my group. She is a good listener and whenever we need her she is there for us. Plus, she has a nice voice.


That’s about the girls and now let’s moves to the handsome and cuties guys in this summit lol which they are all in my group. Asm, he has the best voice ever. He sleeps most of the time no matter where and when. He is just so cool with the best comments ever like, “leadership is ………” I will leave it blank for my group. Tayseer, he loves arguments. That’s why he keeps talking about polygamy because he knows that we don’t agree with it. Hamed, he is just so sweet with his baby face. I love his charisma and his way of saying the Arabic wards like, “halaaaaa” so sweet. Hardi, we missed you a lot when you left and I am glad that I met you and worked with you in this summit and I knew you did made the right thing when you left the summit to be with your family. Sa’ed, he loves taking pictures and he really enjoys posing just like ME and that’s really drives us crazy in taking so much pictures for each other. Plus, he has a lovely voice too.


Things that I won’t ever forget about my group;


·Playing the “truth and dare game” no comments lol and no worries my lovely group “what happened in Qatar will stay in Qatar” lol. By the way, it is a really good game to start with a new group it will help you to break the ice between each one of you and it is just so much fun.


·Our first presentation. When we had to act.


·Barbeque times with Meda.


·Singing in our fake birthdays.


·Working so hard for the project and won the first prize, thanks to Korfi.


·The fun that we had during the bus rides.


·Mother Teresa wards,” what are the things that you do, that it matters?”


·Sharing our life stories.


·All the laughs and tears we had together.

At the end I want to thank you all for making this summit such an amazing experience for me and for the others and special thanks to our sweet leader Farhiya, who made it so easy for us just to be ourselves and she gave us the 100% trust in everything and that’s why we have all of this great memories to remember and don’t forget “think global act local


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