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In Search Of The Goldsun The trials and tribulations of my life as a nomad as I attempt to work my way around the world on a mission to visit 50 countries before I turn 30.


There are [0] photos and [2] stories about Uganda

Penetrating The Impenetrable Forest

Sunday, 27 Apr 2014 | Views [526]

I am going to really struggle with writing this blog post simply because the experience was indescribable. I don’t think my writing will do it justice but with the help of some really good describing words hopefully I will paint the picture for ... Read more >

Tags: africa travels, backpacking, gorillas, once in a lifetime, trekking, uganda

Not Born A Trekker

Sunday, 27 Apr 2014 | Views [355]

Uganda, Chimpanzee Trek As this title would suggest, I was definitely not born to be someone to scale the tallest mountains or have the ability to endlessly walk for hours or even enjoy a casual stroll through a forest to spot a family of chimps ... Read more >

Tags: chimps, trekking, uganda



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