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China - A Country In Transition am currently living in China because I really want to learn mandarin and the culture is so different to anything I have experienced before. In terms of photography, China has been a real treat. I think that has been partly down to spotting interesting th

My Scholarship entry - Exploring Tianjin

A DJ and a dancer entertaining at a nightclub in Tianjin. As China has become more liberal, signs of the influence of western culture are apparent. How the Chinese view and integrate elements of this contrasting culture will have a great impact on the functioning of its society and maybe the rest of the worlds.

CHINA | Saturday, 15 November 2014 | Views [344] | View Larger Image

A DJ and a dancer entertaining at a nightclub in Tianjin. As China has become more liberal, signs of the influence of western culture are apparent. How the Chinese view and integrate elements of this contrasting culture will have a great impact on the functioning of its society and maybe the rest of the worlds.

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