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a recipe from Turkey, a mother recipe.

Passport & Plate - Lentil balls & pickle & salad

Turkey | Monday, March 2, 2015 | 1 photos

For lentil balls:
- lentil
- bulghur
- red papper paste
- green onion
- onion
- parsley
- cumin - black pepper - salt - olive oil
For pickle:
- carrot
- cucumber
- pepper
- vinegar
- salt
For salad:
- lettuce
- carrot
- tomato
- olive oil - salt - lemon - dib roman


How to prepare this recipe
For lentil balls ( for 4-6 people): 2 water glasses lentil boiled with 1 lt. water in a pot. 10 minutes later, 1 water glass bulghur added. All ingredients mixed and brewed for 10-15 minutes.
In a frying pan, 1 small-chooped onion roasted with oil. 1 tablespoon red papper paste added, after 5 minutes all spices added to pan and roasted together.
Prepared souce in pan added to bulgur & lentil mix(it would be so hot!), all inredients blended. Green onion and parsley chooped and added to mix and shaped with hands.
For pickle: Selected vegatables cucumber, carrot and pepper washed and chopped. Put into jar and fulled with vinegar - salt mix. Jar should be closed tightly and waited for 2-3 weeks.
Salad: All ingredients small choped and mixed. Salt, olive oil and dib roman added.


The story behind this recipe
They're all mother recipes: lentil balls - pickle and salad. In Turkey, mother's league together weekly or monthly in one of mothers' house and host- mother prepared something for others. Lentil ball is one of the favourite dishes of these meetings. As a glutton child, these meetings were my favorite and lentil balls always reminds me my childhood. I'm living away from family for 10 years, whenever i visited my family's home, mom prepares me this menu to back me my childhood.

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