I'm trying very hard to pack so light my suitcase will almost float along behind me - it might not be that light, but I'm gonna keep it pretty close, thanks to my magic Skyway suitcase that my UK friends call the 'Mary Poppins suitcase' because it seems to hold an incredible amount of stuff in a small space. It helps that the first phase of the trip is in hot places so I'm bringing lightweight silk stuff - just hope I don't freeze in the north of Vietnam but I'll just pile on the layers and I have a feeling there will be lots of cool stuff to buy that I can pile on top of the layers.
Thanks to all of you who've replied and/or added comments - I'm a pretty crazed person right now with tons of little notes to myself about things I need to take care of in the next TWO days!
Doesn't prevent me from checking out the occasional website with reviews of airport lounges, proper greetings in Cambodia and Vietnam, IRS rules about contest prizes, etc. - thank God for the internet! Last time I did a long trip with my beautiful friend Isla, we really were completely out of touch with the Western world - except for snail mail letters. This time I think I may not get even 1 letter on paper and I guess that's OK, but I will miss that thrill of picking up a missive at Poste Restante.