Today I spent some happy time checking out trip reports (I started out looking to see what's in the SQ F amenity kit but got quickly distracted) - one poster mentioned pre-ordering the LOBSTER PAD THAI (I HAVE to figure out how to do that!), plus not having pre-booked at the Spa on departing BKK (another thing I have to figure out). I've (supposedly kiddingly) told my friends I'm bringing a huge plastic-lined tote bag on all my F flights so I won't have to spend much money when on the ground or on the flights to/from/within Cambodia and Vietnam. In fact I almost hate to admit this to my friend Albert but I did voluntarily book at least 1 flight that has ONLY economy (PMI/LHR - i.e. Palma de Mallorca to Heathrow) - that was to save legs but even as I type this I think - Hmmm maybe I should fly via Lisbon and get a couple of TAP flights in there - decisions, decisions...