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My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

The fences that hold us in.
Was this barbwire built to hold us in or keep others out? Is its intent to hurt us with its sharp edges if we cross? Why does what could hurt some act as a refuge for those who build their webs inside of it? Why is the grass always greener on the other side? Perhaps we need to look down at our own feet at where we stand...

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 3 July 2013 | Views [189] | View Larger Image

The fences that hold us in. Was this barbwire built to hold us in or keep others out? Is its intent to hurt us with its sharp edges if we cross? Why does what could hurt some act as a refuge for those who build their webs inside of it? Why is the grass always greener on the other side? Perhaps we need to look down at our own feet at where we stand...

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