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My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

The five Buddha's of Confidence, Longevity, Wisdom, Inner Beauty and Peace, grace the shrine(L to R).  Showing that everyone can achieve Buddhahood, 10,000 smaller Buddha's bear witness to this temple.
The steps at the front of the Main Shrine symbolise your journey of enlightenment. You cannot be given it, you have to earn it. This could possibly take several lifetimes, but each step should be steady and be taken by yourself.
The harmonious chanting ceremony lasts for 30 minutes.

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 5 July 2013 | Views [604]

The five Buddha's of Confidence, Longevity, Wisdom, Inner Beauty and Peace, grace the shrine(L to R). Showing that everyone can achieve Buddhahood, 10,000 smaller Buddha's bear witness to this temple. The steps at the front of the Main Shrine symbolise your journey of enlightenment. You cannot be given it, you have to earn it. This could possibly take several lifetimes, but each step should be steady and be taken by yourself. The harmonious chanting ceremony lasts for 30 minutes.

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