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Resetting. Broke, but I'll still travel.


There are [0] photos and [2] stories tagged with "on the move".

Surreal - Part #2

THAILAND | Monday, 21 Apr 2014 | Views [527]

I've always wondered how hectic it would be to travel with a small child. While I was in the train, there was a mother with her son. Very beautiful eyes and he was such a shy boy. I wished I packed a set of Lego Kit from work whenever I travel so I can ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, krabi, mr. long bar, on the move, people, thailand, train

Surreal - Part #1

MALAYSIA | Friday, 18 Apr 2014 | Views [314]

Neither of us could sleep the night before the trip. My brother, Nan, was having his night shift at work and even during his breaks, he couldn't sleep. While I was at home feeling all excited about it. We planned this trip about 2 months before. It was ... Read more >

Tags: malaysia, on the move, reggae bar chinatown, train

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