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My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

India | Thursday, June 27, 2013 | 6 photos

I always believed travelling was just for people with huge chances and possibilities in life, until one day I realized that to discover the world is something I could also do.

I left everything and encourage myself to do what I love, travelling and taking pictures. I left my country 2 years ago and started my photography journey. I started discovering this passion that overtook all of my other challenges and motivated me to share through my lens what I felt, saw and learned. Through photography I want to share with others my experience.

I am a 25 year old Argentinian girl, currently leaving in New Zealand by my own. Willing to learn as much as I can from a professional like you. This could be my only chance to become a professional photojournalist and for sure would help me take my art to another level.

I have chosen pictures of India, because it was where I first felt more connected with myself, my camera, my feelings, with the place and the people. I spent one month and a half, 10 days of volunteering in Kolkata and India just captivated me. This country surprised me every day and carrying my camera with me I felt I was prepared for everything. Here is where my story with photography starts.

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